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Презентация на тему Taking out Money from a Cash Machine

How to use a cash machine to take out money:1. Put your Bank Cardin to the machine. 2. The machine may ask which language you want to use.
Taking out Money from a Cash MachineAuthors: Aleksey Ermolaev,Daria Zaitseva, Maria Leontyeva, How to use a cash machine  to take out money:1. Put How to use a cash machine  to take out money:3. Put How to use a cash machine  to take out money:4. The How to use a cash machine  to take out money:5. The How to use a cash machine  to take out money:6. You How to use a cash machine  to take out money:7. Next, How to use a cash machine  to take out money:8. If At any time you can press ‘Cancel’ to return your card. Sources:www.banking.making-money-easier.infoK. Kaufman, M. Kaufman “Happy English.ru-10” Students’ Book, Unit 1.
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Слайд 2 How to use a cash machine to take

How to use a cash machine to take out money:1. Put

out money:
1. Put your Bank Card
in to the machine.

2. The machine may ask which language you want to use.

Слайд 3 How to use a cash machine to take

How to use a cash machine to take out money:3. Put

out money:
3. Put in your secret Bank Card PIN.

Make sure that no-one can see you do this.
Check that no-one is watching you.

Слайд 4 How to use a cash machine to take

How to use a cash machine to take out money:4. The

out money:
4. The screen on the machine will give

you a list to choose from: • Cash • Cash with a receipt • Balance • Mini-statement • PIN services The words may not be exactly the same as the ones here. They can be different on different machines. You have to press the button alongside the one you choose, e.g. ‘Cash’

Слайд 5 How to use a cash machine to take

How to use a cash machine to take out money:5. The

out money:
5. The screen on the machine will then

ask how much you want. These might be: • £10 • £20 • £50 • £100 • £200 • Any other amount The smallest amount you can take out from a cash machine is £10. The most you are usually allowed to take out each day is £300 for each Bank Account you have. Usually you can not take out any more than what is in the Account.
Be careful!
Some Accounts WILL let you take out more money than you have. But they may then charge you interest or a fee.

Слайд 6 How to use a cash machine to take

How to use a cash machine to take out money:6. You

out money:
6. You then need to wait for a

for a few moments. If you do not have enough money in your Bank Account the machine may say ‘Insufficient Funds’ and will then give you back your Bank Card OR it may ask you to take out a smaller amount of money. For example you can ask for £10 instead of £20.
If you DO have enough money in your Bank Account, the machine will say your money is being counted and will then give you back your Bank Card.
You MUST always remember to take the Bank Card out of the machine and keep it safe.

Слайд 7 How to use a cash machine to take

How to use a cash machine to take out money:7. Next,

out money:
7. Next, you take your money when it

comes out of the machine.

Take it

Take care to keep it safe!

Слайд 8 How to use a cash machine to take

How to use a cash machine to take out money:8. If

out money:
8. If you asked for a receipt you

need to wait for this.
Take it with you when you go.

Слайд 9 At any time you can press ‘Cancel’ to

At any time you can press ‘Cancel’ to return your card.

return your card.

  • Имя файла: taking-out-money-from-a-cash-machine.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 152
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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