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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Музей космоса

He is called the founder of theoretical cosmonautics Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich (1857 – 1935)
Space museum He is called the founder of theoretical cosmonautics Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich (1857 – 1935) He inspired the Soviet space program and headed rocket engineers Korolev Sergey Pavlovich (1907 – 1966) Russia launched it into space firstThe first satellite He was the world’s first man in spaceGagarinYuriAlekseyevich She was the world’s first woman in spaceTereshkovaValentinaVladimirovna He made   the first spacewalk from the shipLeonovAlexeyArkhipovich The aim of our lesson is:to help Harry to prepare his projectThe Fill in the missing lettersr _ _ _ e __ r _ Match the words to make  word combinationsdescent 	first		artificial 	control 	replica of	crew 		satellitespace stationmodulecommanderhandlescosmonaut descent modulefirst cosmonautartificial satellite control handlesreplica of space stationcrew commander Fill in the gaps1. Russia launched the first __________________ on the 4th TimelineYuri Gagarin became the world’s first cosmonaut				1963Alexey Leonov made the first spacewalk print Find and check your questionsWhat hall is the biggest in the museum?What Now I know:  active vocabulary, Space MuseumHome task:  write a letter to Harry prepare a guided What are your emotions?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 He is called the founder of theoretical cosmonautics

He is called the founder of theoretical cosmonautics Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich (1857 – 1935)

(1857 – 1935)

Слайд 3 He inspired the Soviet space program and headed

He inspired the Soviet space program and headed rocket engineers Korolev Sergey Pavlovich (1907 – 1966)

rocket engineers

(1907 – 1966)

Слайд 4
Russia launched it into space first

The first satellite

Russia launched it into space firstThe first satellite

Слайд 5 He was the world’s first man in space


He was the world’s first man in spaceGagarinYuriAlekseyevich

Слайд 6 She was the world’s first woman in space


She was the world’s first woman in spaceTereshkovaValentinaVladimirovna

Слайд 7 He made the first spacewalk from

He made  the first spacewalk from the shipLeonovAlexeyArkhipovich

the ship


Слайд 10 The aim of our lesson is:
to help Harry

The aim of our lesson is:to help Harry to prepare his

to prepare his project

The tasks are:
to revise active

to learn the history of the space museum, the activities at the museum;
to answer Harry’s questions.

Слайд 11 Fill in the missing letters
r _ _ _

Fill in the missing lettersr _ _ _ e __ r

e _
_ r _ _
_ _ t _ _

_ _ t _
s _ _ _ _ c _ _ _ _
_ _ s _ _ _ _ u _

Слайд 12 Match the words to make word combinations

Match the words to make word combinationsdescent 	first		artificial 	control 	replica of	crew 		satellitespace stationmodulecommanderhandlescosmonaut

replica of
space station

Слайд 13 descent module
first cosmonaut
artificial satellite

descent modulefirst cosmonautartificial satellite

Слайд 14 control handles
replica of space station

crew commander

control handlesreplica of space stationcrew commander

Слайд 15 Fill in the gaps
1. Russia launched the first

Fill in the gaps1. Russia launched the first __________________ on the

__________________ on the 4th of October 1957.
2. Aleksei Leonov

was the ________________ who made the spacewalk in 1965.
3. You can see the _________________ in which cosmonauts return to the Earth.
4. You can enter the __________ the Mir _________ __________ .
5. You can sit in the _________________’s chair and operate many of the important ________________ .

artificial satellite

first cosmonaut

descent module

replica of



crew commander

control handles

Слайд 18 Timeline
Yuri Gagarin became the world’s first cosmonaut 1963
Alexey Leonov

TimelineYuri Gagarin became the world’s first cosmonaut				1963Alexey Leonov made the first

made the first spacewalk from the ship 1965
Russia launched the

first artificial satellite into space 1977
The Space Museum at Corporation Energia was founded 1961
Valentina Tereshkova, the world’s first woman, flew into space 1957

Слайд 21 Find and check your questions
What hall is the

Find and check your questionsWhat hall is the biggest in the

biggest in the museum?
What can you enter in the

display hall?
What does the Labour Glory hall show?
What monument can you see when you enter the hall?
Who directed the design and launching of the first satellites and spacecrafts?
What does the Korolev’s room reconstruct?

Слайд 28 Now I know: active vocabulary,

Now I know: active vocabulary,

the history of Space Museum

Now I can: answer Harry’s questions
speak about Space Museum

The results of our work

Слайд 30 Space Museum
Home task:
write a letter to

Space MuseumHome task: write a letter to Harry prepare a guided tour around the Space Museum

prepare a guided tour around the Space Museum

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-muzey-kosmosa.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 173
  • Количество скачиваний: 1