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Презентация на тему Викторина по произведению Джоан Роулинг Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната


Who is the author of “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”?1. C.S. Lewis 2. J.K Rowling 3. Rick Riordan4. Samuel Smith
Бобровицкая Оксана НиколаевнаУчитель английского языкаМБОУ СОШ № 11 г. Бердска Who is the author of “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”?1. What was the name of the House Elf who tried to 'help' What did Fred and George use to open Harry's locked bedroom door?4. Where did the Weasleys live?1. The Hall2. The Barrow3. The Burrow4. The Hill Which Quidditch team did Ron support?1. Camberly Cannons4. Chudley Cannons3. Chingford Cannons2. Crowley Cannons Which of these reminders were NOT on the Weasley's clock?1. Time to Where were the magic shops located in London?3. Dragon Alley2. Dragon Lane1. Diagon Alley4. Diagon Lane What broomstick did Harry use?1. Nimbus 10002. Nimbus 20003. Nimbus 15004. Nimbus 2500 What did Ron and Harry do after they missed the Hogwarts Express?3. What was the name of the tree that attacked Mr Weasley's car?2. What was Gilderoy Lockhart famous for?1. producing magnificent fireworks2. writing books and What plant were the Gryffindors and the Hufflepuffs working with on their What was Ron doing after trying to curse Draco?1. laughing4. puking up Where was Harry when he first heard the voice that no one Who held a deathday party?1. Peeves the Poltergeist2. Filch the caretaker3. Nearly Headless Nick4. Gilderoy Lockhart Who explained to the class about the legend of 'The Chamber of Why didn’t Ron like spiders?1. George turned Ron into a spider when Who was the first human to be attacked?1. Justin Finch-Fletchley2. Colin Creevey3. Penelope Clearwater4. Hermione Granger To have the ability to talk to snakes was to be a..?1. Parsleymouth2. Parselmouth3. Cottonmouth4. Slythermouth What type of hair did Hermione accidentally put in her polyjuice potion?1. What was the password for the Slytherin common room?1. Full-blood2. Mudblood3. Pure-blood4. Half-blood Why was Hagrid taken away?1. The Ministry of Magic believed that he Who owned the Diary?1. Don Riddle2. Tom Riddle3. Ron Riddle4. Bob Riddle What did Riddle's diary have in it?1. nothing3. a memory2. a few Which of the following was necessary to open the entrance to the What was the monster hidden in the Chamber of Secrets?1. Harpy2. Chimera3. Basilisk4. Dragon Why was Hermione holding a mirror when she was attacked?1. She was What type of creature was Aragog?2. spider1. hippogriff3. elf4. snake When Riddle rearranged Which of the following was used to destroy Tom Riddle's diary?1. Sword CONGRATULATIONS!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Who is the author of
“Harry Potter and

Who is the author of “Harry Potter and the Chamber of

the Chamber of Secrets”?
1. C.S. Lewis
2. J.K Rowling

3. Rick Riordan

4. Samuel Smith

Слайд 3 What was the name of the House Elf

What was the name of the House Elf who tried to

who tried to 'help' Harry?
1. Nobby
4. Dobby
2. Hobby
3. Noddy

Слайд 4 What did Fred and George use to open

What did Fred and George use to open Harry's locked bedroom

Harry's locked bedroom door?
4. magic
1. a hairpin
3. a key

a credit card

Слайд 5 Where did the Weasleys live?
1. The Hall
2. The

Where did the Weasleys live?1. The Hall2. The Barrow3. The Burrow4. The Hill

3. The Burrow
4. The Hill

Слайд 6 Which Quidditch team did Ron support?
1. Camberly Cannons

Which Quidditch team did Ron support?1. Camberly Cannons4. Chudley Cannons3. Chingford Cannons2. Crowley Cannons

Chudley Cannons
3. Chingford Cannons
2. Crowley Cannons

Слайд 7 Which of these reminders were NOT on the

Which of these reminders were NOT on the Weasley's clock?1. Time

Weasley's clock?
1. Time to feed the chickens
4. Time to

degnome the garden

3. Time to make tea

2. You're late

Слайд 8 Where were the magic shops located in London?

Where were the magic shops located in London?3. Dragon Alley2. Dragon Lane1. Diagon Alley4. Diagon Lane

Dragon Alley
2. Dragon Lane
1. Diagon Alley
4. Diagon Lane

Слайд 9 What broomstick did Harry use?
1. Nimbus 1000
2. Nimbus

What broomstick did Harry use?1. Nimbus 10002. Nimbus 20003. Nimbus 15004. Nimbus 2500

3. Nimbus 1500
4. Nimbus 2500

Слайд 10 What did Ron and Harry do after they

What did Ron and Harry do after they missed the Hogwarts

missed the Hogwarts Express?
3. they flew the car
1. they

found another way to get to platform 9 3/4

2. they waited by the car for Mr and Mrs Weasley to show up

4. they apparated into the train

Слайд 11 What was the name of the tree that

What was the name of the tree that attacked Mr Weasley's

Mr Weasley's car?
2. Whomping Willow
1. Whacking Willow
3. Beating


4. Battering Beech

Слайд 12 What was Gilderoy Lockhart famous for?
1. producing magnificent

What was Gilderoy Lockhart famous for?1. producing magnificent fireworks2. writing books

2. writing books and being the five time winner

of the "Witch Weekly's" Most Charming Smile award

4. being the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts

3. being awarded an Order of Merlin, First Class

Слайд 13 What plant were the Gryffindors and the Hufflepuffs

What plant were the Gryffindors and the Hufflepuffs working with on

working with on their first day of second year


1. Devil's Snare

2. Vermicious Kinids

3. Mandrakes

4. Boomslang

Слайд 14 What was Ron doing after trying to curse

What was Ron doing after trying to curse Draco?1. laughing4. puking

1. laughing
4. puking up slugs
2. trying to get his

tongue off the roof of his mouth

3. trying to grow back his hair

Слайд 15 Where was Harry when he first heard the

Where was Harry when he first heard the voice that no

voice that no one else could hear?
1. walking down

the corridor where Mrs. Norris was found

2. serving detention with Professor Lockhart

3. serving detention with Filch the caretaker

4. walking past Moaning Myrtle's bathroom

Слайд 16 Who held a deathday party?
1. Peeves the Poltergeist

Who held a deathday party?1. Peeves the Poltergeist2. Filch the caretaker3. Nearly Headless Nick4. Gilderoy Lockhart

Filch the caretaker
3. Nearly Headless Nick
4. Gilderoy Lockhart

Слайд 17 Who explained to the class about the legend

Who explained to the class about the legend of 'The Chamber

'The Chamber of Secrets'?
1. Professor Binns
2. Professor Snape

Professor McGonagall

4. Professor Flitwick

Слайд 18 Why didn’t Ron like spiders?
1. George turned Ron

Why didn’t Ron like spiders?1. George turned Ron into a spider

into a spider when he was three
2. Fred and

George locked him in a closet with a giant spider

3. Fred turned his teddy bear into a spider when he was three

4. He doesn't remember, but it was so bad that his mother put a memory charm on him

Слайд 19 Who was the first human to be attacked?

Who was the first human to be attacked?1. Justin Finch-Fletchley2. Colin Creevey3. Penelope Clearwater4. Hermione Granger

Justin Finch-Fletchley
2. Colin Creevey
3. Penelope Clearwater
4. Hermione Granger

Слайд 20 To have the ability to talk to snakes

To have the ability to talk to snakes was to be a..?1. Parsleymouth2. Parselmouth3. Cottonmouth4. Slythermouth

was to be a..?
1. Parsleymouth
2. Parselmouth
3. Cottonmouth
4. Slythermouth

Слайд 21 What type of hair did Hermione accidentally put

What type of hair did Hermione accidentally put in her polyjuice

in her polyjuice potion?
1. rhino
3. rat
4. cat
2. owl feather

Слайд 22 What was the password for the Slytherin common

What was the password for the Slytherin common room?1. Full-blood2. Mudblood3. Pure-blood4. Half-blood

1. Full-blood
2. Mudblood
3. Pure-blood
4. Half-blood

Слайд 23 Why was Hagrid taken away?
1. The Ministry of

Why was Hagrid taken away?1. The Ministry of Magic believed that

Magic believed that he had opened the Chamber

He broke into Gringotts

3. He used magic when he wasn't supposed to

4. He was still raising Aragog

Слайд 24 Who owned the Diary?
1. Don Riddle
2. Tom Riddle

Who owned the Diary?1. Don Riddle2. Tom Riddle3. Ron Riddle4. Bob Riddle

Ron Riddle
4. Bob Riddle

Слайд 25 What did Riddle's diary have in it?
1. nothing

What did Riddle's diary have in it?1. nothing3. a memory2. a

a memory
2. a few words, but it was mostly


4. the key to the Chamber of Secrets

Слайд 26 Which of the following was necessary to open

Which of the following was necessary to open the entrance to

the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets?
1. Having witnessed

a death of a muggle

2. Speaking in Parseltongue to the sinks in the girls' bathroom

3. Being in possession of Tom Riddle's diary

4. Being deemed worthly of Slytherin house

Слайд 27 What was the monster hidden in the Chamber

What was the monster hidden in the Chamber of Secrets?1. Harpy2. Chimera3. Basilisk4. Dragon

of Secrets?
1. Harpy
2. Chimera
3. Basilisk
4. Dragon

Слайд 28 Why was Hermione holding a mirror when she

Why was Hermione holding a mirror when she was attacked?1. She

was attacked?
1. She was fixing her hair
2. She found

it and was going to McGonagall to report it

3. She was trying to see the basilisk without looking directly into its eyes

4. She was showing it to the prefect

Слайд 29 What type of creature was Aragog?
2. spider
1. hippogriff

What type of creature was Aragog?2. spider1. hippogriff3. elf4. snake

4. snake

Слайд 30 When Riddle rearranged "Tom Marvolo Riddle", what sentence

When Riddle rearranged

did he make?
2. I Am Lord Voldemort
1. Lord Voldemort

I am

3. Voldemort Is Me

4. Lord Voldemort Is Me

Слайд 31 Which of the following was used to destroy

Which of the following was used to destroy Tom Riddle's diary?1.

Tom Riddle's diary?
1. Sword of Gryffindor
2. Phoenix tears
3. A

knife wielding the power of love

4. Basilisk fang

  • Имя файла: viktorina-po-proizvedeniyu-dzhoan-rouling-garri-potter-i-taynaya-komnata.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 220
  • Количество скачиваний: 5