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Презентация на тему по теме Most popular and useful English abbreviations and acronyms

An abbreviation is a word formed by the abbreviation of a word or phrase and readable in the alphabetical name of the initial letters or in the initial sounds of the words included in it.In the
Most popular and useful English abbreviations and acronymsGrade 11B student completed the work Chaplina Marina An abbreviation is a word formed by the abbreviation of a word This list of abbreviations can be found everywhere and, for sure, According to my work schedule I need to come to work at Business letters and abbreviationsWriting business letters and compiling business correspondence today requires The most popular business abbreviations are listed below:Co (сompany) – компанияPA (personal assistant) – Examples of business correspondence using abbreviations:Dear Mr. Braun, our Co will be As for SMS abbreviations, there are a huge number of them. The THANKS FOR ATTENTION!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 An abbreviation is a word formed by the

An abbreviation is a word formed by the abbreviation of a

abbreviation of a word or phrase and readable in

the alphabetical name of the initial letters or in the initial sounds of the words included in it.

In the modern age, full of information, time for communication and correspondence is less and less. Parodoxical as it may sound, the more information a person owns, the more ways he searches for it`s reduction and transmission in a more concise form. One of the best ways to shorten words and phrases is to use abbreviations.

Слайд 3 This list of abbreviations can be found

This list of abbreviations can be found everywhere and, for

everywhere and, for sure, you are familiar with most

of them visually, but pay attention to their correct translation and use.

Most popular abbreviations

V.I.P. (very important person) – очень важная персона
P.S. (от лат. «post scriptum») – после написанного 
A.D. (от лат. «Anno Domini») – наша эра
B.C. / B.C.E. – before Christ – до Христа / before Common Era – до нашей эры
ASAP (as soon as possible) – как можно скорее
UNO (United Nations Organization) – ООН
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) –ЮНЕСКО
a.m. (ante meridiem, in the morning) – утром
p.m. (post meridiem, in the afternoon) – вечером
i.e. (id est, that is) – это означает
e.g. (exempli gratia, for example) – например
u (you) – ты
etc. (от лат. et cetera) – и так далее
2G2BT (too good to be true) – слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой

2moro (tomorrow) – завтра
2day (today) – сегодня
BD или BDAY (birthday) – день рождения
2nite (tonight) – вечером
4ever (forever) – навсегда
AFAIK (as far as I know) – насколько я знаю
BTW (by the way) – между прочим
RLY (really) – действительно, правда
BRB (be right back) – скоро вернусь
TTYL (talk to you later) – поговорим позже, «до связи»
IMHO (in my honest opinion) – на мой взгляд, по-моему
AKA (also known as) – также известный как
TIA (thanks in advance) – спасибо заранее

Слайд 4 According to my work schedule I need to

According to my work schedule I need to come to work

come to work at 8 a.m. – Согласно моему рабочему расписанию,

мне необходимо приходить на работу на 8 утра. AFAIK this concert will be held 2day. – Насколько я знаю, концерт будет проведен сегодня. All these events happened in 455 B.C. – Все эти события произошли в 455 году до нашей эры. I invite u to my BD 2nite.  – Я приглашаю тебя на мой День Рожденья сегодня вечером. BTW she was RLY good at Math at school. – Кстати (между прочим) она была действительно хороша в математике, когда училась в школе. I'm sorry. I'm in hurry. TTYL. – Прошу прощения, я спешу. Поговорим позже.

Слайд 5 Business letters and abbreviations
Writing business letters and compiling

Business letters and abbreviationsWriting business letters and compiling business correspondence today

business correspondence today requires quality study and a thorough

approach. Faced for the first time with the design and interpretation of abbreviations in business English, a beginner sometimes experiences confusion and bewilderment, what does all this mean. The difficulty lies in the correct use of one or another reduction, as well as in the specifics of business vocabulary. However, as in any field of language learning, knowledge and a little practice will help to cope with any difficulties.

A number of abbreviations are used only in writing, but in spoken language, the full forms of the word are pronounced:

Mr. (mister) – мистер
Mrs. (mistress) – миссис
Dr. (Doctor) – доктор
St. (Saint / Street) – святой или улица
Blvd. (boulevard) – бульвар
Ave. (avenue) – проспект
Sq. (square) – площадь
Rd. (road) - дорога
Bldg. (building) – здание
B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) – бакалавр наук
M.A. (Master of Arts) – магистр иску

Слайд 6 The most popular business abbreviations are listed below:

The most popular business abbreviations are listed below:Co (сompany) – компанияPA (personal

(сompany) – компания
PA (personal assistant) – личный помощник
Appx. (appendix) – приложение
Re. (reply) –

p. (page) – страница
smth. (something) – что-то
smb. (somebody) – кто-то
vs (лат. versus) – против
etc. (лат. et cetera) – и прочее

Popular three-letter acronyms (TLA or Three-Letter Acronyms) in the business arena:

CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) – руководитель администрации
CEO (Chief Executive Officer) – главный исполнительный директор (генеральный директор)
exp. (export) – экспорт – вывоз товара за границы страны
HR (human resources) – кадровая служба предприятия
HQ (Headquarters) – главное управление компании
LLC (limited liability company) – общество с ограниченной ответственностью (ООО)
R&D (research and development)– исследования и разработки
IT (information technology) – информационные технологии

Слайд 7 Examples of business correspondence using abbreviations:
Dear Mr. Braun,

Examples of business correspondence using abbreviations:Dear Mr. Braun, our Co will

our Co will be glad to offer you the

position of CAO. - Dear Mr. Brown, our company will be glad to offer you the position of chief accountant of the company.

Dear Ms. Stone, my PA will definitely contact you about changes in exp. process - Dear Miss Stone, my personal secretary will definitely contact you regarding changes in the export process.

Chats and SMS

As mentioned above, in English there are Three-Letter Acronyms (TLA or Three-Letter Acronyms), which help to reduce and compress fairly large phrases to 3 letters. Today, this is a fairly popular way to save time when chatting on social networks.

BFN (bye for now) – до встречи, пока
BTW (by the way) – кстати
FYI (for your information) – к вашему сведению
JIT (just in time) – вовремя
IOW (in other words) – другими словами, иначе говоря
NRN (no reply is necessary) – ответ не требуется
OTOH (on the other hand) – с другой стороны

Слайд 8 As for SMS abbreviations, there are a huge

As for SMS abbreviations, there are a huge number of them.

number of them. The specificity of such abbreviations is that

it is almost impossible to decrypt without a detailed analysis.

Examples of abbreviations in SMS messages:

GL (good luck) – удачи!
GB (good bye) – пока
DNO (don’t know)– не знаю
ASAYGT (as soon as you get this) – как только вы получите это
B4 (before) – до этого
BC (because) – потому что
BON (believe it or not) – верите или нет
BW (best wishes) – с наилучшими пожеланиями
BZ (busy) – занят
CYT (see you tomorrow) – увидимся завтра
Wish you GL on your exam. Mom. – Желаю удачи на экзамене. Мама.
Sorry. BZ. CYT. – Прошу прошения. Занят. Увидимся завтра.
I will be JIT. GB. – Буду вовремя. Пока.

As we can see, the topic is quite extensive, but do not be scared!
Faced with abbreviations and acronyms several times, you just can not help but fall in love with them for originality and help in saving your time.
And having fallen in love with something, you surely and with ease will remember it!

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