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Презентация на тему Елизавета Тюдор

Elizabeth was born at Greenwich in 1533
Elizabeth I Tudor1533-1603 Elizabeth was born at Greenwich in 1533 Elizabeth I, the last of the Tudor monarchs, was a daughter of Elizabeth I became queen at the age of twenty-five years old. On January 15, 1559, Elizabeth was crowned Queen by bishop of Carlisle at Westminster Abbey. People often called her Good Queen Bess. During Elizabeth’s reign England became a great sea power. England defeated the Invincible Armada. Elizabeth effectively placed the church under control of the crown this merging The Elizabethan age was one of the greatest periods of English literature.William ShakespeareChristopher Marlowe Elizabeth’s court became a centre of culture for English musicians, poets, scholars and artists. Her reign also saw the first colonization or “planting” of new land Elizabeth had been queen for almost 45 years, surviving numerous obstacles and couspiracies. Her tomb can be visited in Westminster Abbey where Elizabeth rests alongside The English were proud of their country and their queen. One of her mottos was “ I see, and say nothing”
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Elizabeth was born at Greenwich in 1533

Elizabeth was born at Greenwich in 1533

Слайд 3 Elizabeth I, the last of the Tudor monarchs,

Elizabeth I, the last of the Tudor monarchs, was a daughter

was a daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.

Слайд 4 Elizabeth I became queen at the age of

Elizabeth I became queen at the age of twenty-five years old.

twenty-five years old.

Слайд 5 On January 15, 1559, Elizabeth was crowned Queen

On January 15, 1559, Elizabeth was crowned Queen by bishop of Carlisle at Westminster Abbey.

by bishop of Carlisle at Westminster Abbey.

Слайд 6 People often called her Good Queen Bess.

People often called her Good Queen Bess.

Слайд 7 During Elizabeth’s reign England became a great sea

During Elizabeth’s reign England became a great sea power.


Слайд 8 England defeated the Invincible Armada.

England defeated the Invincible Armada.

Слайд 9 Elizabeth effectively placed the church under control of

Elizabeth effectively placed the church under control of the crown this

the crown this merging religious and political power in

her person.

Слайд 10 The Elizabethan age was one of the greatest

The Elizabethan age was one of the greatest periods of English literature.William ShakespeareChristopher Marlowe

periods of English literature.
William Shakespeare
Christopher Marlowe

Слайд 11 Elizabeth’s court became a centre of culture for

Elizabeth’s court became a centre of culture for English musicians, poets, scholars and artists.

English musicians, poets, scholars and artists.

Слайд 12 Her reign also saw the first colonization or

Her reign also saw the first colonization or “planting” of new

“planting” of new land in North America and the

colony of Virginia was named for her.

Слайд 13 Elizabeth had been queen for almost 45 years,

Elizabeth had been queen for almost 45 years, surviving numerous obstacles and couspiracies.

surviving numerous obstacles and couspiracies.

Слайд 14 Her tomb can be visited in Westminster Abbey

Her tomb can be visited in Westminster Abbey where Elizabeth rests

where Elizabeth rests alongside her half-sister Queen Mary I.

Слайд 15 The English were proud of their country and

The English were proud of their country and their queen.

their queen.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-elizaveta-tyudor.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 198
  • Количество скачиваний: 2