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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Как научиться свободно говорить на английском

English is a global language.It is common knowledge that English is a global language. Practically every third speaks English or other foreign language. We study it all our life: first at school then at the academy
PROJECT To speak English fluently,  is it real? English is a global language.It is common knowledge that English is a Why I have chosen this theme: In the school’s education program The reason why…I have been studying English from the second form and My research After a short discussion with my Official Languages. Religion.I knew that in Canada there are two official languages Languages they speak What impressed me most of all The overriding and the strongest sides The academic yearIn high school list of selective subjects are increasing. The Marks are in perсent.Marks are in per сent. For example: 50-60% - Self – Education A lot of attention is given to self education. Canada’s schools pay lots of attention to sport activities.In Canada – motherland Art Lessons deserve special discussionOutclass activities may include drawing, painting, sculpturing, ceramics, Interesting things: There are no parent meetings. The children’s progress reports are Another interesting thing is:The school focuses not on the strongest students, but Conclusion 	As I’ve said at the beginning, I was non-confident in my
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 English is a global language.
It is common knowledge

English is a global language.It is common knowledge that English is

that English is a global language. Practically every third

speaks English or other foreign language. We study it all our life: first at school then at the academy or university and so on. People try their best to use it everywhere: in business, in everyday life, especially when they travel. But not all of them can be understood by native speakers quite well.

Слайд 3 Why I have chosen this theme:
In the school’s

Why I have chosen this theme: In the school’s education

education program from 8 to 11 we learn many

interesting things about English speaking countries’ customs, traditions and also life. We all know such customs as Valentine’s Day; Halloween; Thanksgiving Day and many others. I’ve always been surprised by the fact, that lots of famous people from non-English speaking countries use English fluently. Famous actors, musicians, sportsmen can talk on different topics freely.

Слайд 4 The reason why…
I have been studying English from

The reason why…I have been studying English from the second form

the second form and I always felt non-confident before

my mates from countries where English is their native language. I got interested in this problem and decided to find out the reason of it. So I did research and came to some conclusion.

Слайд 5 My research

After a

My research After a short discussion with my parents,

short discussion with my parents, we decided that it’s

better to send me to Canada. The program of my education presupposed that during one month I will live in the family, go to a local school and all these will create great conditions to use and improve English my speaking skills. I was interested in:
Do my mates study the same subjects as I do?
What do they do after school?
What are they like on the whole?

Before my trip I was totally not sure what Canada’ s educational system will be like, because I only watched films where schools were shown. So I was looking forward to learn everything. I worked hard to learn as many things about this country as possible.

I examined a lot of articles about educational systems in England, in Australia, on Malta.

Слайд 6 Official Languages. Religion.
I knew that in Canada there

Official Languages. Religion.I knew that in Canada there are two official

are two official languages – English and French. French

is the main language in Montreal and Quebec. But outside Quebec French is practically not used. At the same time I was surprised that practically many languages could be heard all over the country: Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, German and others.
The representatives of different religions live in Canada. Most of the Canadians are catholics and protestants. Besides there are many people who are atheists.

Слайд 8 Languages they speak

Languages they speak

Слайд 9 What impressed me most of all
The overriding

What impressed me most of all The overriding and the strongest

and the strongest sides of Canada’s schools are high

computer usage in education program.
Subjects’ list depends on grades. In primary, pupils studying Core Course (Combination of math, Grammar and literature), Science Course (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), skills of using computer, Physical Education, Art and so on. On every grade pupils studying obligatory subjects and subjects, which children choose themselves.

Слайд 10 The academic year
In high school list of selective

The academic yearIn high school list of selective subjects are increasing.

subjects are increasing. The academic year is divided in

two semesters. In each semester there are particular subjects. For example: if a pupil has 8 subjects, the number of subjects equally shares between semesters. Every day students have the same list of subjects and lessons are 45 minutes long.

Слайд 11 Marks are in perсent.
Marks are in per сent.

Marks are in perсent.Marks are in per сent. For example: 50-60%

For example:
50-60% - is the same as mark

65-75% - is “4”
80-90% - is almost the same as “5”.
To get 100% you need to try learning as hard as possible.

Слайд 12 Self – Education
A lot of attention is

Self – Education A lot of attention is given to self

given to self education. Every student does an Independent

Study Project. It is a research work where a student must find some information and write an essay on this topic. And then he or she has to present this work before all his classmates.

Слайд 13 Canada’s schools pay lots of attention to sport

Canada’s schools pay lots of attention to sport activities.In Canada –

In Canada – motherland of hockey, most of private

schools are having hockey stadiums. All schools take part in hockey’s championships, from between schools level to national. Also schools are having swimming pools, tennis courts, baseball fields and other special places for different sports.

Слайд 14 Art Lessons deserve special discussion
Outclass activities may include

Art Lessons deserve special discussionOutclass activities may include drawing, painting, sculpturing,

drawing, painting, sculpturing, ceramics, photography, music lessons, dancing lessons

and Theater. It’s really great to see such a great choice of them,

Слайд 15

Behavior rules Every school has

Behavior rules
Every school has it’s own

Rules’ list. It usually strictly forbids: disturbance of the school’s schedule, smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs, evince an aggression to other students, writing off on exams. If you have broken these rules for the first time you will be warned and then, if you violated them again you will be expelled from school.

Слайд 16 Interesting things:
There are no parent meetings. The

Interesting things: There are no parent meetings. The children’s progress reports

children’s progress reports are sent to parents four times

a year or they talk with teachers in presence of a student if necessary.
As usual at boarding and private schoolscstudents must wear a special uniform, which they can buy in special shops.

Слайд 17 Another interesting thing is:
The school focuses not on

Another interesting thing is:The school focuses not on the strongest students,

the strongest students, but on “middle-leveled” students, or even

on “low-leveled” students. This focusing is done to raise the level of understanding.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-kak-nauchitsya-svobodno-govorit-na-angliyskom.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 169
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