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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Clever animals Fun at school Arthur & Rascal (3 класс)

Monday, the twenty-seventh of January.
Hello, boys, and girls! Nice to see you. Monday, the twenty-seventh of January. How are you? Тема: Clever animals.  Fun at school. Arthur & Rascal. Планируемые результаты: Личностные: формировать умения выбирать оптимальные формы во взаимоотношениях с одноклассниками; Let’s say our tongue-twisterMy happy family can fly. small nose big ears small head big eyes thin legs fat body short tail long tail a frog a rabbit a crocodile a bird a horse a mouse a dog an elephant a monkey a snake а parrot a seahorse a tortoise a spider What can they do?flyjumpwalkswimtalkcrawl This … my pet. … name is Ronnie! He … got a This is my pet. His name is Ronnie! He has got a It’s Ronnie Twenty       20twenty-one   21twenty-two Thirty - 30Thirty-oneThirty-twoThirty-threeThirty-fourThirty-fiveThirty-sixThirty-sevenThirty-eightThirty-nine forty - 40forty-oneforty-twoforty-threeforty-four forty-fiveforty-sixforty-sevenforty-eightforty-nine Exercise 2 p.80A: How old is Chuckles?B: He’s eleven.A: How old is Let’s sing a song! AnimalsReptileslizardsnakecrocodile tortoise Mammalsmousehorsewhaleelephant Exercise 6 p.81	A snake is a reptile. Snakes live in the forests Exercise 6 p.81	An elephant is a mammal. Elephants live in India and Arthur & RascalBefore readingComplete the sentences:I think Arthur is……… Homework Make up story about your pet. Thank you for your work!I can jump, I can run,I can sing,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Monday, the twenty-seventh of January.

Monday, the twenty-seventh of January.

Слайд 3 How are you?

How are you?

Слайд 4

Слайд 5 Тема: Clever animals. Fun at school. Arthur &

Тема: Clever animals. Fun at school. Arthur & Rascal.


Слайд 6 Планируемые результаты: Личностные: формировать умения выбирать оптимальные формы во

Планируемые результаты: Личностные: формировать умения выбирать оптимальные формы во взаимоотношениях с

взаимоотношениях с одноклассниками; формировать доброжелательность и эмоционально-нравственную отзывчивость. Метапредметные: Регулятивные

УУД - планировать личную деятельность; осуществлять самоконтроль; прогнозировать результаты; Познавательные УУД - уметь осознанно строить речевое высказывание, формулировать ответы на вопросы учителя и одноклассников; уметь извлекать нужную информацию из текста; осуществлять актуализацию полученных знаний; Коммуникативные УУД - формировать умения слушать и вступать в диалог; развивать умения взаимодействовать в группе. Предметные: знать лексические единицы по теме "Животные", "Глаголы движения"; уметь использовать языковой материал во всех видах речевой деятельности (продуктивной и репродуктивной); формирование и развитие речемыслительных способностей.

Слайд 7 Let’s say our tongue-twister
My happy family can fly.

Let’s say our tongue-twisterMy happy family can fly.

Слайд 8 small nose

small nose

Слайд 9 big ears

big ears

Слайд 10 small head

small head

Слайд 11 big eyes

big eyes

Слайд 12 thin legs

thin legs

Слайд 13 fat body

fat body

Слайд 14 short tail

short tail

Слайд 15 long tail

long tail

Слайд 16 a frog

a frog

Слайд 17 a rabbit

a rabbit

Слайд 18 a crocodile

a crocodile

Слайд 19 a bird

a bird

Слайд 20 a horse

a horse

Слайд 21 a mouse

a mouse

Слайд 23 an elephant

an elephant

Слайд 24 a monkey

a monkey

Слайд 25 a snake

a snake

Слайд 26 а parrot

а parrot

Слайд 27 a seahorse

a seahorse

Слайд 28 a tortoise

a tortoise

Слайд 29 a spider

a spider

Слайд 33 What can they do?

What can they do?flyjumpwalkswimtalkcrawl

Слайд 34 This … my pet. … name is Ronnie!

This … my pet. … name is Ronnie! He … got

He … got a fat body and … short

tail. His ears … long. He`s got big white … and big black eyes. Ronnie … run and jump. He … climb trees. I love it very much!!!!

Слайд 35 This is my pet. His name is Ronnie!

This is my pet. His name is Ronnie! He has got

He has got a fat body and a short

tail. His ears are long. He`s got big white teeth and big black eyes. Ronnie can run and jump. He can`t climb trees.
I love it very much!!!!

Слайд 36 It’s Ronnie

It’s Ronnie

Слайд 37 Twenty 20

Twenty    20twenty-one  21twenty-two  22twenty-three 23twenty-four

twenty-two 22
twenty-three 23


twenty-five 25
twenty-six 26
twenty-seven 27
twenty-eight 28
twenty-nine 29

Слайд 38 Thirty - 30

Thirty - 30Thirty-oneThirty-twoThirty-threeThirty-fourThirty-fiveThirty-sixThirty-sevenThirty-eightThirty-nine

Слайд 39 forty - 40


forty - 40forty-oneforty-twoforty-threeforty-four forty-fiveforty-sixforty-sevenforty-eightforty-nine

Слайд 40 Exercise 2 p.80
A: How old is Chuckles?
B: He’s

Exercise 2 p.80A: How old is Chuckles?B: He’s eleven.A: How old

A: How old is Peter?
B: He’s thirty.
A: How old

is Molly?
B: She’s fourteen.
A: How old is Tom?
B: He’s fifty-six.
A: How old is Tina?
B: She’s twenty-five.

Слайд 41 Let’s sing a song!

Let’s sing a song!

Слайд 42 Animals

AnimalsReptileslizardsnakecrocodile tortoise Mammalsmousehorsewhaleelephant

Слайд 43 Exercise 6 p.81
A snake is a reptile. Snakes

Exercise 6 p.81	A snake is a reptile. Snakes live in the

live in the forests and in the deserts. They

crawl very well. They have got a long body, a dangerous tooth. They haven’t got legs and ears. They have got two eyes. Their tails are strong.

Слайд 44 Exercise 6 p.81
An elephant is a mammal. Elephants

Exercise 6 p.81	An elephant is a mammal. Elephants live in India

live in India and in Africa. They’ve got a

fat body, four big legs and two big ears. The elephants eat grass. They’re grey. Elephants can walk and run. They can’t swim and climb.

Слайд 45 Arthur & Rascal
Before reading
Complete the sentences:
I think Arthur

Arthur & RascalBefore readingComplete the sentences:I think Arthur is………


I think Rascal is …..and…. funny
I think Tricksy is ……. silly
not nice
in the cupboard – в шкафу
What’s the matter? – Что случилось?

Слайд 47 Homework
Make up story about your pet.

Homework Make up story about your pet.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-clever-animals-fun-at-school-arthur-amp-rascal-3-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 251
  • Количество скачиваний: 14