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Презентация на тему Sales Letter

When writing a sales letter, it is important to have a good attitude in order to sell your product or service, because the reader will want to know why they should spend their valuable time reading
SALES LETTERS When writing a sales letter, it is important to have a good Sales letters usually have a four-part strategy:Catch the reader's eye: it is CLOSET CARE 1248 SE Lancaster Blvd Tigard, OR 97225 July 7, 1999Professor INGREDIENTS OF AN EFFECTIVE SALES LETTERThe three most important ingredients of a Attention-getting headlineThe headline, placed before the salutation, should make a claim or Specific offerYour letter needs a clear and compelling offer, an explicit transaction P.S.Your P.S., which is the second most read element in the letter Hitting your targetsBefore writing any sales letter, of course, you must do Hitting your targetsTo send out the right sales letterBuild trustGet to bona Hitting your targetsTo send out the right sales letterEmphasize good looks. Make Hitting your targetsTo send out the right sales letterResist How to Write the Perfect Sales LetterCreate a short, powerful headlineStart the Answer the question in one or two sentences. Explain why your product Give a convincing answer:List three good reasons that demonstrate how your product Now describe the special features and benefits of your product or service. Ask and answer one final question to lead the reader into the Shoot holes in your competitors' offers.Cost-to-value ratio is enormous. Boldly state that Summarize. Briefly describe the complete product or service. You can remind the Premiums. Bundling a free bonus (a premium) for acting by the deadline No-risk guarantee. You've heard and read many assurances before.    Examples:“Buy completely Dear Mr. Carling: Go ahead, pull this amazing little card off the Additional Sales Letter Tips:Price comes after the benefits. Unless you are offering
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Слайд 2 When writing a sales letter, it is important

When writing a sales letter, it is important to have a

to have a good attitude in order to sell

your product or service, because the reader will want to know why they should spend their valuable time reading the letter. Therefore, you need to provide clear, specific information that will explain to the reader why they should be interested in buying your product or service.

Слайд 3 Sales letters usually have a four-part strategy:
Catch the

Sales letters usually have a four-part strategy:Catch the reader's eye: it

reader's eye: it is very crucial in a sales

letter to attract the reader's attention or else you will probably fail to sell your product or service
Describe the product or service you are trying to sell
Convince your reader that your claims are accurate: back up your comments with research and facts
Give the reader opportunities to learn more about your product or service: provide the reader with a phone number, a Web site address, or some way for them to seek out information on their own

Слайд 4 CLOSET CARE 1248 SE Lancaster Blvd Tigard, OR 97225

July 7,

CLOSET CARE 1248 SE Lancaster Blvd Tigard, OR 97225 July 7,


Professor I.B. Writing, Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523


Mr. Writing:

Are you having trouble organizing your clothes into your existing closets? If you are like most Americans, you have trouble finding your favorite shirt when you really need it. This is why it is important to have an organized closet system.

At CLOSET CARE, we have the skills and experience to come in and help you with your closet needs. May we stop by and offer you a FREE estimate at how much it would cost you to rebuild your closet? If so, give us a call at 555-1212 and set up an appointment with one of your friendly operators.


(signature here)

Kent Lenoir President


The three most

INGREDIENTS OF AN EFFECTIVE SALES LETTERThe three most important ingredients of

important ingredients of a sales letter
attention-getting headline

specific offer


Слайд 6 Attention-getting headline
The headline, placed before the salutation, should

Attention-getting headlineThe headline, placed before the salutation, should make a claim

make a claim or a promise that ties in

with recipients' needs and interests.

Whatever the Language, We'll Get Your Message Across Right - And With 25 Percent Savings the First Time You Hire Us!

We'll Prepare Those Pesky 1099s and W-2s for Your Business Right Away - Absolutely Free!

Finally, an Organization That Fights Like Crazy to Protect and Heal Abused Children!


Слайд 7 Specific offer
Your letter needs a clear and compelling

Specific offerYour letter needs a clear and compelling offer, an explicit

offer, an explicit transaction that you are inviting the

reader to make. Don't write "Hello, I exist" sales letter.

For only $29.95 you can have unlimited use of our health club for one month, along with a one-hour private session with one of our certified fitness trainers.


Слайд 8 P.S.
Your P.S., which is the second most read

P.S.Your P.S., which is the second most read element in the

element in the letter after the headline, should mobilize

the reader to act now. Provide an incentive for acting fast, or toss in an additional bonus.

P.S. Charge your membership to your credit card in four equal payments for no additional cost - and receive a full-color desk calendar if you respond by November 10.


Слайд 9 Hitting your targets
Before writing any sales letter, of

Hitting your targetsBefore writing any sales letter, of course, you must

course, you must do the homework of acquiring and

analyzing appropriate lists of targeted customers

Sales letters are the most customized form of direct-mail marketing. Brochures or fliers, however glossy, tend to be impersonal and may be dismissed as "junk mail." By contrast, sales letters should address the customer by name and need. You're one step ahead.
The idea is to offer solutions that speak directly to your customer's problems and challenges, whether that's business-to-consumer or business-to-business.

Слайд 10 Hitting your targets
To send out the right sales

Hitting your targetsTo send out the right sales letterBuild trustGet to

Build trust

Get to bona fides, quick
Some options:
• List a

case study
• Describe a success story
• Outline key benefits of your product (besides the first one)
• Define a problem and how you solved it for a client (don't name names)
Avoid being long-winded or boring in this "credentials" section

Слайд 11 Hitting your targets
To send out the right sales

Hitting your targetsTo send out the right sales letterEmphasize good looks.

Emphasize good looks. Make it easy to navigate so

your reader reaches for it first-ahead of the competition's

Include a call to action. Inform the reader about what he or she should do next.
Example is: 'Please call me on my cell phone (917-555-0000) before Friday, the 28th‘

Include an incentive. Always explain when, why and how customers should act. Then, include an incentive for acting sooner, such as a discount, special offer or something free.

Слайд 12 Hitting your targets
To send out the right sales

Hitting your targetsTo send out the right sales letterResist

Resist "Mail Merge.“Tap your database for information about a

customer's sales history and preferences. Then send specialized letters whenever it's appropriate.

Forge connections. Similarly, don't get caught up in pushing services or products. You want to develop a long-term relationship with the customer, not pressure him into one discounted sale. Use your letter to investigate whether you can solve customer problems or meet needs. Try to build a relationship that will last into the future.

Слайд 13 How to Write the Perfect Sales Letter
Create a

How to Write the Perfect Sales LetterCreate a short, powerful headlineStart

short, powerful headline
Start the body of the letter with

a polite but personal tone.

Ask a question that lists the greatest benefits of your offer. How will your product or service make your reader's life better? Why is your product or offer better than your competitor's?

Example: “Dear . . .” Use the potential customer's name. Talk to him or her as a friend

Example: “How would you like to receive (first benefit) and (second benefit)? Read on! This might be the most important letter you ever receive.”

Слайд 14 Answer the question in one or two sentences.

Answer the question in one or two sentences. Explain why your

Explain why your product or service is essential or

special. Achieving a better quality of life is a universal theme.

Address doubts before your potential customer has a chance to think of them:

“Sound too good to be true? I thought so when I first learned about . . .”
“I know this sounds outrageous. I'd be skeptical too.”
“ Do these results sound unbelievable? I thought so too, but then . . . . ”

Tip: DO NOT ask a question that can be answered with “yes” or “no.” You should control both the question and the answer!

Слайд 15 Give a convincing answer:
List three good reasons that

Give a convincing answer:List three good reasons that demonstrate how your

demonstrate how your product will make the reader's life

better, make him feel more secure, or motivate him to action. Keep the reasons short and powerful. Use statements that suggest positive results, facts, and figures.

“Four out of five doctors recommend . . . .”
“Research shows that no other company can . . . like we can.”
“Four out of five customers agree that . . .“

Examples: “But the more I learned about . . , the more I knew that I should give it a try. Here's why you should too . . . .”

 Tip: Keep your vocabulary simple, short, and to the point.

Слайд 16 Now describe the special features and benefits of

Now describe the special features and benefits of your product or

your product or service. A feature is something that

makes your product or service extraordinary, essential or valuable. A feature describes what your product or service is or what it has. The benefit of the feature is what the feature will do for the reader. Bullet points are good to use here--they draw the eye to this important section. Benefits sell while features often do not. Many sales letters list benefits only. Others list both features and benefits. Writers often make the mistake of listing features only.

List three or five features with their special benefits.

Feature 1 -- Benefit 1
Feature 2 -- Benefit 2
Feature 3 -- Benefit 3

Tip: Odd-numbered lists seem to work better than even-numbered lists

Слайд 17 Ask and answer one final question to lead

Ask and answer one final question to lead the reader into

the reader into the finer points of the offer.

You may expand upon the features and benefits that you included in your answer.

Endorsements sell because they establish credibility. List several short, enthusiastic testimonials that reinforce the features and benefits you have listed.

 Example: “But you don't have to take my word for it. Here's what our satisfied customers are saying.”

Example : You may ask how we can possibly do all this? Here's how . . . . ”

Слайд 18 Shoot holes in your competitors' offers.
Cost-to-value ratio is

Shoot holes in your competitors' offers.Cost-to-value ratio is enormous. Boldly state

enormous. Boldly state that your product or service has

a real value of at least ten times the price. These value statements need to be clear and crisp, with not too many details. Perhaps your product can save valuable time, or make a huge difference in lifestyle, or replace another higher-priced product, etc.

“You'll get over ten times your money's worth in value! Guaranteed!”
“Extraordinary savings!” (or quality, add-on products, longevity, warranty, etc. )
“We offer you unbelievable quality for only one-tenth the usual price.”

“No one can match this offer.”
“Do not buy this product elsewhere unless it has these features: One . . . Two . . . Three ..”
“Sure, others will try to sell you a product of lesser quality, but can they offer you: One . . Two . . . Three . . . ?”

Слайд 19 Summarize. Briefly describe the complete product or service.

Summarize. Briefly describe the complete product or service. You can remind

You can remind the reader about the features and

benefits, but don't list them. Rather, add several similar features and benefits and place a high value on them.

Price and urgency. Make a stipulation, then repeat the offer:

Example: “If you respond by (date), you pay only $______. That's right, for the price of two movie tickets and popcorn you pay only $______, if you respond by (date).”

 Example: “So here's everything you get . . .

If this letter is to create a lead, tell your prospect what he/she must do to contact you by a certain deadline. Be sure to make it easy to respond by including your business name, phone number, web site, etc. Ask the customer for all of the information you need, such as first and last names, phone number, address, etc. Make an optional request for the customer's email address so that you can send future offers by email as well.

Слайд 20 Premiums. Bundling a free bonus (a premium) for

Premiums. Bundling a free bonus (a premium) for acting by the

acting by the deadline is an excellent motivator. Be

sure to give the bonus value--as much or more than the purchase price is a good idea. If you don't have an idea for a premium, you can search the web for e-books or informational reports for which you can purchase reprint rights--an excellent and inexpensive idea that has a high value margin.

   Example:“Order today and I'll send you . . . --a $50 value! But remember, I am offering this free bonus for a limited time . . . so order now!”

Слайд 21 No-risk guarantee. You've heard and read many assurances

No-risk guarantee. You've heard and read many assurances before.    Examples:“Buy

“Buy completely at our own risk .

. . ”
“You pay nothing unless you are totally satisfied.”
“There is no risk with our complete satisfaction, money-back guarantee!”
“No questions asked. Simply return the product within 30 days and we'll refund your money in full.”

Then the advertisers always add the clincher.

Example: “Remember, you keep the free bonus(es). Even if you decide to take advantage of our No Risk, Total Satisfaction, Money-back Guarantee, the bonus(es) are yours to keep--our gift(s) to you for simply trying our . . . . ”

consider adding a postscript to restate an important benefit and reinforce the urgency of the offer.

Слайд 22
Dear Mr. Carling: Go ahead, pull this amazing little

Dear Mr. Carling: Go ahead, pull this amazing little card off

card off the paper.

It's made of plastic. It costs

you $2 to buy. But it's worth the price of a new car, sold off your lot. This card is worth the lifetime value of a loyal customer. In sales, service, parts, accessories and referrals. And goodwill. And free word-of-mouth advertising.
Hold it in you hand for a minute, and think of your competition. Consider your revenue goals for the next quarter. Do you need to increase your new and used vehicle sales? Boost your parts & service department revenue? Multiply your accessories department revenue? Retain customers after their warranty runs out?
This card will help. Big time. It's a vital part of Sharpe AutoCards, a custom-branded loyalty and gift card program that generates revenue for your dealership. But first, how it works.
Take a look at the front of your card. As you can see, you customize the card to match your dealership's brand image and visual identity. Now turn it over. See that magnetic stripe across the back? It stores information about the card's dollar value and each transaction.

You hand cards like this to everyone whose business you want to attract and whose loyalty you must keep. Walk ins. Be Backs. Looky-Lous. Current customers. Even former customers. They all use the card to buy products and services at your auto dealership only.

You manage the program using a simple card reader hooked to a personal computer at your dealership running our software. For an average auto dealership, the start-up cost of buying the system and operating it for one year is less than $2 per car sold that year.

That's what the card does. Here's what it does for you.
Please read the brochure I've enclosed for the compelling specifics. You use the Sharpe AutoCards card to: 1. Close more sales by beating competitors' discounts 2. Boost your service department revenue and repeat business 3. Multiply your accessories department revenue 4. Retain customers for years after the sale 5. Attract potential customers and increase traffic in your showroom 6. Increase referral business 7. Increase revenue on the back end 8. Promote brand awareness of your dealership

The Sharpe AutoCards system is up to five times less expensive than competing offerings. Plus, you pay no transaction fees and you don't have to buy any annual maintenance contracts. I call that a win-win-lose proposition for you, your customers and your competitors.

Use your card today to receive free coffee and donuts for four.

The gift card you are holding in your hand has been pre-loaded with $10 worth of coffee and donuts. Get a first-hand demonstration of how the card works by inviting me to your showroom for a complimentary consultation about the Sharpe AutoCards system. Hand me your gift card, I'll swipe it, process your transaction, and hand over your free coffee and donuts. Like the gift cards you'll use one day, this one can only be redeemed at the place of business on the card, which is to say, Tri-City Chev-Olds.

When is a good time for us to get together for coffee and a chat at your showroom? Call me at 123 456-7891 today and let's set up an appointment.

Yours sincerely,

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