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Презентация на тему к уроку 5 класс Покупка подарков

Homework My collection
Homework    My collection The theme is Buying a souvenir HATThis is a hat. It has got shamrock on it. The shamrock We are going to- make up dialogues for buying a souvenir-revise vocabulary  What should we know to buy a souvenir there? You are at a souvenir shop in the UK The situation:You are a сustomer who would like to buy a souvenir at a souvenir shop Let’s try to act out several dialogues between a customer and the shop assistant. Homework 1) Make up your own dialogue «Souvenirs in the Crimea» 2) Thank you for the lesson!Good-bye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Homework My collection

Homework  My collection

Слайд 3 The theme is

Buying a souvenir

The theme is Buying a souvenir

Слайд 4 HAT
This is a hat. It has got shamrock

HATThis is a hat. It has got shamrock on it. The

on it. The shamrock is the national symbol of


This is a mug. It has got a Welsh dragon on it. The Welsh dragon is on the flag of Wales.

This is a tartan scarf from Scotland. Tartan cloth is very popular in Scotland.

This is a stuffed toy. It looks like a cow. There are many cows in Scotland.

These are toy buses. They are double-decker buses. You can see these in London.

This is a pin. It has got a Union Jack on it. The Union Jack is the flag of the UK.


Слайд 5 We are going to
- make up dialogues for

We are going to- make up dialogues for buying a souvenir-revise

buying a souvenir
-revise vocabulary for names of souvenirs of

the UK

Слайд 6  
What should we know to buy a souvenir

 What should we know to buy a souvenir there?


Слайд 7 You are at a souvenir shop in the

You are at a souvenir shop in the UK


Слайд 8 The situation:

You are a сustomer who would like

The situation:You are a сustomer who would like to buy a souvenir at a souvenir shop

to buy a souvenir at a souvenir shop

Слайд 9 Let’s try to act out several dialogues between

Let’s try to act out several dialogues between a customer and the shop assistant.

a customer and the shop assistant.

Слайд 10 Homework 1) Make up your own dialogue «Souvenirs in

Homework 1) Make up your own dialogue «Souvenirs in the Crimea»

the Crimea» 2) Describe the most popular souvenir in the


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-5-klass-pokupka-podarkov.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 153
  • Количество скачиваний: 2