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Презентация на тему по теме Образование

history School Subjectsbiology
EDUCATIONProject  science geography sport mathsmusicliterature handicraft cooking drama TimetableLUNCH School supplies penpencil pencil case felt-tip pen   desk  	 book exercise book  map bag lamp black board stapler calculator computer paints calculator computer paints eraser brush sharpener The Plan of School The Plan of Classroom Schools in Britain  Children in Britain start school when they are five    After five years of secondary education, pupils take General Certificate of School in BritainPrimary School (5-11) Children start school at the age of six in Russia. At the age of ten children pass to the second stage Classroom RulesAlways give every BOOK-MANNERSIf you scribble on your books,How disgustable it looks!Here a BOOK LOOK
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

history  School Subjectsbiology


School Subjects


Слайд 3

art English computing




Слайд 4



science geography sport

Слайд 5 maths


Слайд 6 handicraft

handicraft cooking drama

Слайд 7 Timetable


Слайд 8 School supplies

pencil case

School supplies penpencil pencil case

Слайд 9 felt-tip pen

felt-tip pen  desk 	 book


Слайд 10 exercise book

exercise book map bag

Слайд 11 lamp
black board


lamp black board stapler

Слайд 12 calculator

calculator computer paints

Слайд 13 calculator

calculator computer paints

Слайд 14 eraser

eraser brush sharpener

Слайд 15
The Plan of School

The Plan of School

Слайд 16

LIBRARY3 rd Grade 2

3 rd Grade

2 nd Grade


Junior high

4 Year olds

6 th Grade

1 st Grade

1 st Grade

5 Year Olds

2/3 combo

Young 2s

7 th Grade

Older 3s

5 th Grade

4 th Grade

Canteen N REST
w e

Rest Rest
Rooms Rooms



Слайд 17
The Plan of Classroom

The Plan of Classroom

Слайд 18

Blackboard calender


Linoleum floor

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k



Art center

Art center

Bulletin boared






Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Des k

Слайд 19
Schools in Britain

Children in Britain start school

Schools in Britain  Children in Britain start school when they are

when they are five and stay at school until

they are sixteen or older.
Many children attend nursery school from the age of about three, but they aren’t compulsory. Compulsory education begins at the age of five, when children go to primary school. It lasts for six years. They attend the infant school from five to seven and then junior school until they are eleven. Then pupils go to secondary school.
Children study 10 subjects: English, mathematics, science, geography. history, art, music, physical education and a foreign language. Most secondary schools teach French and some schools offer Spanish, German, Italian and Russian. The first three are called «core» subjects.

Слайд 20
After five years of secondary education, pupils

   After five years of secondary education, pupils take General Certificate

take General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examination. Most

pupils take examinations in all subjects.
Compulsory education ends at sixteen. Some people choose to stay at secondary school for a further two years. Other people leave secondary school at sixteen and go to colleges of further education.
Higher education begins at eighteen and usually lasts for three or four years. Students go to universities, polytechnics or colleges of higher education. There are now about 80 universities.
Some parents choose to send their children to private schools where they pay for their education.
State education is free. More than 90% of Britain's children attend state schools.

Слайд 21 School in Britain
Primary School (5-11)

School in BritainPrimary School (5-11)

School (3-5)



School 7-11



Слайд 22

The American School System

1. The American school system is divided into four levels: elementary, junior high school, high school and college. The first three are compulsion, foe fourth is optional.
2. Elementary school goes from kindergarten to fifth grade (6-10). Junior high school goes froth sixth to eighth grade (11-13). High school normally lasts for four years, from grades nine to twelve (14-18)
3. Student have to pass at the end of each school year in order grade level must complete the set if objectives which are required by the state
4. In theory, if the don’t complete these objectives, they may be required to do the same year again. In practice less than 5 per cent of students have to repeat the year

Слайд 23

5. The teacher is the who assesses the student. The student’s placement is based on the teacher’s interpretation of the student’s ability
6. Students receive report cards about every nine weeks. They are not required fo take an end-of-year examination.
7 Basic education is compulsory ail states. Most children are required to attend school until the age sixteen.
High school graduation is not mandatory.
8. American public schools at the primary and secondary level are run by foe local Board of Education and most of foe school funding is from foe state, and, theoretically, the federal government has no direct role in public education.

Слайд 24

The American School

Elementary School

Junior High School (11-13)

High School (14-18)


Слайд 25

U.S. School System

Слайд 27

Children start school at the age

Children start school at the age of six in Russia.

of six in Russia. The course of studies at

school is eleven years now: four years of primary school and seven years of secondary school. Previously it was only ten years: three years of primary school and seven years of secondary school. Children under the age of six are taken to crèches and nursery schools.
There is a wide choice of schools nowadays: state schools, private schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. The majority of schools is free of charge, but in some (usually private ones) parents have to pay for the education of their children. In ordinary schools parents sometimes pay for additional subjects in the curriculum, such as a foreign language or arts. Though it is generally not a demand, most children can already read and write when they start their school: this makes education much easier for them.
In primary school there are three or four lessons a day, they usually are Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. A lesson lasts forty minutes. During the first term children get used to learning and adapt to school regulations. Beginning with the second term of the first year at school, children also take Handicrafts, Drawing, Music and Physical Education. The list of subjects under study is further extended during the second, third and fourth years and includes the World History of Arts, Fundamentals of Security, History, Geography, and others. At primary schools all lessons are usually conducted by one teacher.

Education in Russia

Слайд 28
At the age of ten children pass

At the age of ten children pass to the second

to the second stage of education, known as secondary

school. In secondary school there is a wide variety of subjects under study, and teachers specialize. The transition from primary to secondary school is sometimes difficult for children. After finishing the ninth form and getting the Certificate of Basic Secondary
Education, schoolchildren may either continue their education m the tenth form, or leave school and go to technical (vocational) schools and colleges.
After eleven years at school the school leavers take examinations and get the Certificate of Complete Secondary Education. Those who hue only excellent marks in the Certificate get a gold medal.
Among higher educational establishments are institutes (colleges), academies and universities. The term of studying in higher school s from four to six years. Students can be involved in scientific research while studying. At the end of their final year at college, university or academy they take final examinations and get a diploma. Besides, they can take postgraduate courses in the chosen field.

Слайд 29


Kid`s Billboard
Take care of your health.
Dress neatly.
Be polite.
Be honest.
Have a sense of humor.
Be positive!

Слайд 30

Playground Rules
Play at your own risk.
All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Children may be asked to leave for activities that endanger themselves or others.
No restroom services available.
Playground is closed after dark.

Слайд 31

Classroom RulesAlways give every task you best

Classroom Rules
Always give every task you best effort.
Cooperate with

other people in the class.
Work quietly at your desk.
Raise your hand if you have something to say or need help.
Listen carefully.
Follow directions.
Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions.

Слайд 32
If you scribble on your books,

BOOK-MANNERSIf you scribble on your books,How disgustable it looks!Here a

disgustable it looks!
Here a word, and there a scrawl,

pictures over all!
Take a paper, or a slate.
If you want to decorate!

What worlds of wonders are our books!
As one opens them and looks,
New ideas and people rise
In our fancies and our eyes,
The room we sit in melts away,
And we find ourselves at play
With someone who, before the end,
May become our chosen friend.

Слайд 33

BOOK LOOK      Since books are

Since books are

They need mush care.
When you`re reading them
Be good to them and fair.
Use gook-marks, children,
To hold your place,
And it’s clear face.
Remember, children, them:
Books are meant to read:
Books are meant to read,
Not cut of colour them-
No, really never indeed!

School is over,
Oh, what fun!
Lessons finished,
Play degun.
Who’ll run fastest.
You or I?
Who’ll laugh loudest?
Let us try.

Слайд 34


The United Nations Convention on the Right of the Child

All children have the right to non-discrimination.
Children have the right to life.
All children have the right to name and nationality at birth (при рождении)
Children have the right to express their views.
Children have the right to meet other people.
Children have the right to privacy.
Children have the right to information.
Children have the right to protection.
Disabled children have the right to take a full and active part in everyday life.
Children have the right to health and health care.
Children have the right to education and development.
Children have the right to leisure.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-obrazovanie.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 133
  • Количество скачиваний: 0