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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему All about diet

The diet plays a very important role in a human health. If a person wants to be in good health he must be careful about his diet. People of physical work need more food than
ALL ABOUT DIET The diet plays a very important role in a human health. It is important to know that a diet must consist of All this you can find in All this also contains in eggs, milk, butter,suger,bread,potatoes,and nuts. If you want to be healthy you must use a mixed diet In a hospital the doctor usually prescribes the diet 1.What must a people do if he
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The diet plays a very important role in

The diet plays a very important role in a human health.

a human health. If a person wants to be

in good health he must be careful about his diet. People of physical work need more food than people of mental work.

Слайд 3 It is important to know that a diet

It is important to know that a diet must consist of

must consist of - proteins, - carbohydrates, - fats, - minerals, - water

and - vitamins.

Слайд 4 All this you can find in

All this you can find in


meat liver


Слайд 5 All this also contains in eggs, milk, butter,

All this also contains in eggs, milk, butter,suger,bread,potatoes,and nuts.


Слайд 6 If you want to be healthy you must

If you want to be healthy you must use a mixed

use a mixed diet of meat, fats and fruit.

Слайд 7 In a hospital the doctor

In a hospital the doctor usually prescribes the diet

usually prescribes the diet for every patient.

Any patient with high temperature has a very poor appetite and so a nurse must be very careful.

If a patient has a high temperature for a long time he becomes very weak and it is very important to give him high caloric food.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-all-about-diet.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 141
  • Количество скачиваний: 0