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Презентация на тему Стихи для фонетической зарядки по английскому языку

I see a pen on the desk . I see a hen at the door. I see a clock on the bench. I see a cat on the floor.
Стихи для фонетической зарядки по английскому языку I see a pen on the desk .  I Текст слайдаOne, two, three let me seeWho likes coffee and who likes The frog is green, green, green.And so is the tree. One, two, One, one, one- I have a hare, I have a bear. Look at the boy – he has a toyLook at the I have two eyes and I  can see A book I have a little dog  And his name I like to read,  I like to play, Your friend is his friend.  His friend is her friend. Her
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 I see a pen on the

I see a pen on the desk . I see

desk .
I see a hen at the

I see a clock on the bench.
I see a cat on the floor.

Слайд 3

Текст слайда
One, two, three let me see
Who likes

Текст слайдаOne, two, three let me seeWho likes coffee and who

coffee and who likes tea
One, two, three now I

I like coffee, and you like tea.

Слайд 4 The frog is green, green, green.
And so is

The frog is green, green, green.And so is the tree. One,

the tree. One, two, three
Red, red, red the rose.

Blue, blue, blue the dress.
Grey, grey, grey the rat.
And so is the cat.

Слайд 5

One, one, one-  Little dog,

One, one, one-
Little dog, run!

Two, two, two-
Cats see you.
Three, three, three-
Birds on the tree.
Four, four, four-
Rats on the floor.

Слайд 6
I have a hare,

I have a hare, I have a bear. My

have a bear.
My toys are here,

toys are there.
I have a horse,
have a fox,
I have a brown cow.
I have a hen,
I have a chick.
And I am playing now.

Слайд 7 Look at the boy – he has

Look at the boy – he has a toyLook at

a toy
Look at the doll – she has a

Look at the cat – it has a hat.
Look at the pig – it is very big.

Слайд 8 I have two eyes and I

I have two eyes and I can see A book

can see
A book and a pen in front

of me.
I see a window and a door.
I see the ceiling and the floor.

Слайд 9 I have a little dog

I have a little dog And his name is

And his name is

His head is white
And his ears are black


Слайд 10 I like to read,

I like to read, I like to play, I like

like to play,
I like to study

every day.
I like to jump,
I like to run,
I like to play,
It’s fun.


  • Имя файла: stihi-dlya-foneticheskoy-zaryadki-po-angliyskomu-yazyku.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 137
  • Количество скачиваний: 0