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Презентация на тему Битва знатоков английского языка “Marvel vs. DC” для учеников 8-10 класса


Битва знатоков английского языка “Marvel vs. DC”Гайфуллин И.Р.Учитель английского языкаМБОУ Уразовский лицей ROUND 1 1. Where is Hollywood situated? Los Angeles, California 1. Who said (and in which film): “I’ll be back”? Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator 3. Who works for the British government and has the number 007?  James Bond 4. What film is this? The Dark knight Rises 5. Name the award of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts. The Oscar 6. Who discovered America?  Christopher Columbus 7. Who was the first President of The United States? ?  George Washington 8. What is the capital of the USA? Washington, DC 9. What holiday do the Americans celebrate on the 4th of July? Independence Day 10. How many stars and stripes does the flag have? What do 1. Who created Mickey Mouse? Walt Disney 2. Who finally got the Oscar last year? Leonardo DiCaprio 3. What film is the most famous for space battles? Star Wars 4. What film is this? Lord of the Rings 5. In which film they used to say “Avada Kedavra”? Harry Potter 6. What is the capital of Great Britain? London 7. Who is the President of the USA now? Donald Trump 8. Name the Houses of British ParliamentThe House of Commons & The House of Lords 9. . What holiday do the Americans celebrate on the 25th of December? ? Christmas 10. Where is the Statue of Liberty?In New York ROUND 2 WHO IS ON THE PICTURE? ROUND 3 Guess and spell the words Guess and spell the words1. nomaitnia 2. orhro3. tsayfna4. relhtli5. wsntree6. noicat7. ROUND 4 Word buildingACCOMPLISHMENT достижение, успех ROUND 5 Кастинг на роль  МУМИИ ROUND 6 Презентация фильмовНаш ответ Голливуду! FINAL ROUND THANK YOU ALL!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 ROUND 1


Слайд 3 1. Where is Hollywood situated?
Los Angeles, California

1. Where is Hollywood situated? Los Angeles, California

Слайд 4 1. Who said (and in which film): “I’ll

1. Who said (and in which film): “I’ll be back”? Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator

be back”?
Arnold Schwarzenegger in
The Terminator

Слайд 5 3. Who works for the British government and

3. Who works for the British government and has the number 007? James Bond

has the number 007?
James Bond

Слайд 6 4. What film is this?
The Dark knight Rises

4. What film is this? The Dark knight Rises

Слайд 7 5. Name the award of the American Academy

5. Name the award of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts. The Oscar

of Motion Picture Arts.
The Oscar

Слайд 8 6. Who discovered America?
Christopher Columbus

6. Who discovered America? Christopher Columbus

Слайд 9 7. Who was the first President of The

7. Who was the first President of The United States? ? George Washington

United States? ?
George Washington

Слайд 10 8. What is the capital of the USA?

8. What is the capital of the USA? Washington, DC

Washington, DC

Слайд 11 9. What holiday do the Americans celebrate on

9. What holiday do the Americans celebrate on the 4th of July? Independence Day

the 4th of July?
Independence Day

Слайд 12 10. How many stars and stripes does the

10. How many stars and stripes does the flag have? What

flag have? What do they mean?
50 stars &

13 stripes

Слайд 14 1. Who created Mickey Mouse?
Walt Disney

1. Who created Mickey Mouse? Walt Disney

Слайд 15 2. Who finally got the Oscar last year?

2. Who finally got the Oscar last year? Leonardo DiCaprio


Слайд 16 3. What film is the most famous for

3. What film is the most famous for space battles? Star Wars

space battles?
Star Wars

Слайд 17 4. What film is this?
Lord of the Rings

4. What film is this? Lord of the Rings

Слайд 18 5. In which film they used to say

5. In which film they used to say “Avada Kedavra”? Harry Potter

“Avada Kedavra”?
Harry Potter

Слайд 19 6. What is the capital of Great Britain?

6. What is the capital of Great Britain? London


Слайд 20 7. Who is the President of the USA

7. Who is the President of the USA now? Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Слайд 21 8. Name the Houses of British Parliament
The House

8. Name the Houses of British ParliamentThe House of Commons & The House of Lords

of Commons & The House of Lords

Слайд 22 9. . What holiday do the Americans celebrate

9. . What holiday do the Americans celebrate on the 25th of December? ? Christmas

on the 25th of December? ?

Слайд 23 10. Where is the Statue of Liberty?
In New

10. Where is the Statue of Liberty?In New York


Слайд 24 ROUND 2




Слайд 26 ROUND 3


Слайд 27 Guess and spell the words

Guess and spell the words

Слайд 28 Guess and spell the words
1. nomaitnia
2. orhro

Guess and spell the words1. nomaitnia 2. orhro3. tsayfna4. relhtli5. wsntree6.

4. relhtli
5. wsntree
6. noicat
7. dycmoe
8. amrda
9. torps
10. etcedvite
11. ystohir


- animation

- horror

- fantasy

- thriller

- western

- action

- comedy

- drama

- sport

- detective

- history

- war

Слайд 29 ROUND 4


Слайд 30 Word building
достижение, успех

Word buildingACCOMPLISHMENT достижение, успех

Слайд 31 ROUND 5


Слайд 32 Кастинг на роль МУМИИ

Кастинг на роль МУМИИ

Слайд 33 ROUND 6


Слайд 34 Презентация фильмов
Наш ответ Голливуду!

Презентация фильмовНаш ответ Голливуду!



  • Имя файла: bitva-znatokov-angliyskogo-yazyka-“marvel-vs-dc”-dlya-uchenikov-8-10-klassa.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 172
  • Количество скачиваний: 1