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Презентация на тему Методика создания игры Grammar Casino

Welcome to the grammar casino!   This is a great review game or can be used to target specific weak areas.  It's similar but with a twist.
GRAMMAR Welcome to the grammar casino!   This is a great review game or Materials needed: 1 copy of the game per student or a group Students start with one hundred pointsStudents read the first sentence and decide Students wait for the answer from the teacherWhen the teacher tells the This game can be used with practically any grammar structures and at
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Welcome to the grammar casino! 
  This is a

Welcome to the grammar casino!   This is a great review game

great review game or can be used to target

specific weak areas. 
It's similar but with a twist.

Слайд 3 Materials needed: 1 copy of the game per

Materials needed: 1 copy of the game per student or a

student or a group
You can make it yourself or

download free pintables http://www.mes-english.com/games/grammarcasino.php

Слайд 4 Students start with one hundred points
Students read the

Students start with one hundred pointsStudents read the first sentence and

first sentence and decide if the sentence is grammatically

correct or if there is a mistake
If the sentence is fine, the students choose the box 'good.'
If there is a mistake in the sentence, the students choose the box 'no good'
The students then write in their bet on the bet line.  If they are confident, they can bet a lot.  If they aren't so confident, they can bet a little.  (a minimum bet of 10 points)
The line under each sentence can be used to rewrite sentences with a mistake in them or to translate the sentences

Слайд 5 Students wait for the answer from the teacher

Students wait for the answer from the teacherWhen the teacher tells

the teacher tells the students the answer, they can

check to see if they were correct.  If they were correct, they add their bet to their point total.  If they were wrong, they subtract their bet from their point total
Continue to the next sentence and repeat
The student with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!!!

  • Имя файла: metodika-sozdaniya-igry-grammar-casino.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 201
  • Количество скачиваний: 1