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Презентация на тему к уроку East or West - Home is Best

Read and translateShe was standing on the same bridge talking to Bob, whom she had not seen for five years. Well, East or West, home is best! She was happy to be at home again.
EAST OR WEST – HOME IS BEST ГПОУ ТО «ТСХК имени И. Read and translateShe was standing on the same bridge talking to Bob, Here is what other young people say about their native places.Would you Task. Comment on the following statement.Most people would prefer to live in 1) when you took these photo2) what/ who is in this photo3) 1) when you took these photo2) what/ who is in this photo3) 1) when you took these photo2) what/ who is in this photo3) 1) when you took these photo2) what/ who is in this photo3) Thank you for your work. You were rather active today. Look at Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
Read and translate
She was standing on the same

Read and translateShe was standing on the same bridge talking to

bridge talking to Bob, whom she had not seen

for five years. Well, East or West, home is best! She was happy to be at home again.

Слайд 3
Here is what other young people say about

Here is what other young people say about their native places.Would

their native places.
Would you like to live in places

with such characteristics? Why? Why not? (ex. 3 p. 24)

Слайд 4 Task. Comment on the following statement.
Most people would

Task. Comment on the following statement.Most people would prefer to live

prefer to live in the countryside.
What is your opinion?

Do you agree with this statement?
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction (state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2 – 3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1 -2 reasons for this opposing opinion.
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position

Слайд 5
1) when you took these photo
2) what/ who

1) when you took these photo2) what/ who is in this

is in this photo
3) what is happening
4) why you

took this photo
5) why you decide to show the picture to your friend.

Слайд 6
1) when you took these photo
2) what/ who

1) when you took these photo2) what/ who is in this

is in this photo
3) what is happening
4) why you

took this photo
5) why you decide to show the picture to your friend.

Слайд 7
1) when you took these photo
2) what/ who

1) when you took these photo2) what/ who is in this

is in this photo
3) what is happening
4) why you

took this photo
5) why you decide to show the picture to your friend.

Слайд 8
1) when you took these photo
2) what/ who

1) when you took these photo2) what/ who is in this

is in this photo
3) what is happening
4) why you

took this photo
5) why you decide to show the picture to your friend.

Слайд 9 Thank you for your work. You were rather

Thank you for your work. You were rather active today. Look

active today. Look at the board and say:

the lesson


now I know…

- I’d like to know more about…

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-east-or-west-home-is-best.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 161
  • Количество скачиваний: 0