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Презентация на тему по английскому языку People are their enemies

African elephant African elephants live in African jungle. These animals are huge and grey. They are up to 3 m high and 4 m long. They weigh about 7 tones. African elephants eat fruit, leaves and
PEOPLE       ARE African elephant African elephants live in African jungle. These animals are huge BLUE WHALEBlue whales live in the Northern Pacific Ocean. They are the GIANT PANDA Giant pandas live in jungles of China. They have long MOUNTAIN GORILLAMountain gorillas lives in mountains and jungles of Africa. They are INDIAN RHINOCEROSIndian Rhinoceroses live in Indian plain jungle. They are thick, hard, Indian tigers Indian tigers inhabit in Asian jungles. They are up to Nile crocodiles Nile crocodiles inhabit in and near African rivers. They are Polar bears  Polar bears live in very cold regions, such as St Lucia parrots  St Lucia parrots live on St Lucia island near THANK YOU        FOR
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 African elephant
African elephants live in African jungle. These

African elephant African elephants live in African jungle. These animals are

animals are huge and grey. They are up to

3 m high and 4 m long. They weigh about 7 tones. African elephants eat fruit, leaves and grass. In the last 10 years people have killed nearly a million of African elephants. In parts of Africa the number of elephants has halved since 1970. They have killed them for their tusks, which they sell as ivory. They make ornaments of them. There are only about 600000 elephants in Africa now.

Blue whales live in the Northern Pacific

BLUE WHALEBlue whales live in the Northern Pacific Ocean. They are

Ocean. They are the biggest animals in the world.

They are up to 30 m long. They are toothless and harmless. They eat small fish called plankton. The number of whales in the sea is becoming less every year. This is because men hunt them and kill them, for almost every part of a whale’s body can be used to make something useful or valuable .

Giant pandas live in jungles of China.

GIANT PANDA Giant pandas live in jungles of China. They have

They have long black and white fur. They are

up to 2 m long. They eat bamboo, plants and sometimes fish. People have destroyed the forests of China and pandas are in danger of dying from lack of their food-bamboo. There are only 1000 pandas in the world now.

Mountain gorillas lives in mountains and jungles

MOUNTAIN GORILLAMountain gorillas lives in mountains and jungles of Africa. They

of Africa. They are very large. They have thick

black fur. Mountain gorillas eat fruit, flowers and plants. People have cut down the mountain forests which are the homes of gorillas and orang-utans. They have killed them for sport and there are only a few mountains gorillas and orang-utans left in the world .

Indian Rhinoceroses live in Indian plain jungle.

INDIAN RHINOCEROSIndian Rhinoceroses live in Indian plain jungle. They are thick,

They are thick, hard, their skin is grey. They

are up to 4 m long. Indian Rhinoceroses eat grass and plants. People have hunted rhinos for their horns to make medicine. Less than 700 left in the wild Indian Rhinoceroses live in Indian plain jungle. They are thick, hard, their skin is grey. They are up to 4 m long. Indian Rhinoceroses eat grass and plants. People have hunted rhinos for their horns to make medicine. Less than 700 left in the wild.

Слайд 7 Indian tigers
Indian tigers inhabit in Asian jungles. They

Indian tigers Indian tigers inhabit in Asian jungles. They are up

are up to 3 m long. Their fur is

orange, black and white. Indian tigers eat small mammals, fish and sometimes insects. Many years people have killed Indian tigers for their fur which they use to make coats and rugs.

Слайд 8 Nile crocodiles
Nile crocodiles inhabit in and near African

Nile crocodiles Nile crocodiles inhabit in and near African rivers. They

rivers. They are very large, up to 6 m

long. Nile crocodiles eat birds, fish and mammals. People have killed Nile crocodiles for their skin to make shoes, handbags and belts.

Слайд 9 Polar bears
Polar bears live in very cold

Polar bears Polar bears live in very cold regions, such as

regions, such as Arctic Circle, Canada, Greenland. They are

up to 3 m long. Polar bears have thick white fur. They eat fish and seals. People have killed polar bears for their fur which they use to make coats and rugs.

Слайд 10 St Lucia parrots
St Lucia parrots live on St

St Lucia parrots  St Lucia parrots live on St Lucia island

Lucia island near South America. It’s very hot

and wet region. They have green, blue and orange feathers. They eat fruit. People have collected St Lucia parrots as pets. Maybe only 100 parrots left in the wild now.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-people-are-their-enemies.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 161
  • Количество скачиваний: 3