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Презентация на тему Safety Rules

Kesha is a good parrot. Heknows all rules. He’ll teachyou to cross the street andto be safe at home and at school. Be very attentive! After his lesson Kesha askyou some questions.
Safety rulesБеркутова Наталья АлександровнаУчитель английского языкаМБОУ СОШ № 9 г. Азов4 класс любой УМК Kesha is a good parrot. Heknows all rules. He’ll teachyou to cross Red on top, Green below. Red says “stop” Green says “go” Yellow Safety rules at homeDon’t play with matches!Don’t open the door to strangers! Safety rules at homeDon’t play with sharp things!Don’t take medicines! Safety rules at homeDon’t play on the balcony!Don’t tell the stranger thatyou are at home alone! What rule have they broken?They are playing on the road. What rule have they broken?They are not crossing the street on zebra crossing. What rule has he broken?He is eating with dirty hands. What rule has he broken?He is playing with dangerous things. Be careful!Don’t break rules! Ресурсы: http://super-bronddt.narod.ru/index/0-14 рамка http://herewomentalk.com/what-is-your-red-light светофор http://www.nevesta.info/photo/714319/ Кешаhttp://schools.cssd.ab.ca/lightofchrist/page/8/ мальчик http://glidkugarcoo.uol.ua/ слайд 4http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/irisha___irishka/post283596557/ слайд
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Kesha is a good parrot. He
knows all rules.

Kesha is a good parrot. Heknows all rules. He’ll teachyou to

He’ll teach
you to cross the street and
to be safe

at home and at
school. Be very attentive!
After his lesson Kesha ask
you some questions.

Слайд 3 Red on top, Green below. Red says “stop” Green says “go” Yellow

Red on top, Green below. Red says “stop” Green says “go”

says “wait!” Even though, you might be late!

Safety rules in

the street

Cross the street when the light is green!
Don’t cross the street when the light is red!
Be careful on the road!
Cross the street only on zebra crossing!
Don’t play on the road!

Слайд 4 Safety rules at home
Don’t play with matches!
Don’t open

Safety rules at homeDon’t play with matches!Don’t open the door to strangers!

the door to strangers!

Слайд 5 Safety rules at home
Don’t play with sharp things!

Safety rules at homeDon’t play with sharp things!Don’t take medicines!

take medicines!

Слайд 6 Safety rules at home
Don’t play on the balcony!

Safety rules at homeDon’t play on the balcony!Don’t tell the stranger thatyou are at home alone!

tell the stranger that
you are at home alone!

Слайд 7 What rule have they broken?
They are playing on

What rule have they broken?They are playing on the road.

the road.

Слайд 8 What rule have they broken?
They are not crossing

What rule have they broken?They are not crossing the street on zebra crossing.

the street on zebra crossing.

Слайд 9 What rule has he broken?
He is eating with

What rule has he broken?He is eating with dirty hands.

dirty hands.

Слайд 10 What rule has he broken?
He is playing with

What rule has he broken?He is playing with dangerous things.

dangerous things.

Слайд 11 Be careful!
Don’t break rules!

Be careful!Don’t break rules!

  • Имя файла: safety-rules.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 177
  • Количество скачиваний: 2