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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Дружба

FRIENDSHIP & REAL FRIENDS Together, together, Together every day! Together, together, We learn and we play! A REAL FRIEND A real friend is a person who… A tolerant person is a person who… 21st January, 2016 video Find the antonyms:to be a real friendto be polite and tactfulto be Read the text. Underline the words about friendship.  When I was Test “Are you a good friend?”Do you remember your friend’s birthday? Results:5 - 8 points: You are a person who sometimes can be Thank you for your work)))
Слайды презентации



Слайд 3 Together, together, Together every day! Together, together, We learn and we

Together, together, Together every day! Together, together, We learn and we play!




Слайд 5 A real friend is a person who…

A real friend is a person who…

Слайд 7 A tolerant person is a person who…

A tolerant person is a person who…

Слайд 8 21st January, 2016

21st January, 2016

Dennis Dobroff Flat 10, Russia 27 Severnaya Street, Petrozavodsk Well, do you have friends? Are they your classmates? What do you do when you get together?   Sorry, I have to help my sister with her homework. I’m looking forward to your answer.   Thank you for your letter very much! I was happy to get it! I am sorry I haven’t written for so long because I was preparing for my tests. In your letter you asked me about my best friend. My best friend’s name is Jack. He is honest and can keep secrets. We often have fun together. I can always turn to him for help if I have got a problem. Sometimes we fall out over silly things but we make up quickly. There are a lot of things that we both like – music, shopping and playing computer games. Sam All the best, Dear Dennis,

Слайд 9

Dennis Dobroff Flat 10, 27 Severnaya Street, Petrozavodsk, Russia 21st January, 2016 Dear Dennis, Thank you for your letter very much! I was happy to get it! I am sorry I haven’t written for so long because I was preparing for my tests. In your letter you asked me about my best friend. My best friend’s name is Jack. He is honest and can keep secrets. We often have fun together. I can always turn to him for help if I have got a problem. Sometimes we fall out over silly things but we make up quickly. There are a lot of things that we both like – music, shopping and playing computer games. Well, do you have friends? Are they your classmates? What do you do when you get together? Sorry, I have to help my sister with her homework. I’m looking forward to your answer. All the best, Sam

Слайд 11 Find the antonyms:
to be a real friend

to be

Find the antonyms:to be a real friendto be polite and tactfulto

polite and tactful

to be easy to deal with

always to

help other people

to be attentive to

to have common tastes

to have common opinions

to be different in character

to be selfish

to think too little of other people

to fall out

to be hard to deal with

to be inattentive to

to be impolite and tactless

Слайд 12 Read the text. Underline the words about friendship.

Read the text. Underline the words about friendship. When I was

When I was a little boy I went

to school. I can’t say that I had a lot of friends.
I was selfish. I could think only about my own wishes and I thought too little of other people. I was rude to them. I was tactless and inattentive to my friends. They say I was hard to deal with.
When I grew up I changed. Now I have a lot of friends because I always help people when I can.

Слайд 13 Test “Are you a good friend?”
Do you remember

Test “Are you a good friend?”Do you remember your friend’s birthday?

your friend’s birthday?

Yes – 2 No – 1
Can you keep your friend’s secrets?
Yes – 2 No – 1
Do you sometimes laugh at your friends?
Yes – 1 No – 2
Do you often criticize your friend?
Yes – 1 No – 2
Can you give all your pocket money
to your friend if she/he asks?
Yes – 2 No – 1

Слайд 14 Results:
5 - 8 points: You are a person

Results:5 - 8 points: You are a person who sometimes can

who sometimes can be not very helpful. You are

a little bossy too.

9 – 10 points: You are a good friend. You are a person who is friendly. Your friends can rely on you.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-druzhba.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 177
  • Количество скачиваний: 0