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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Страноведческая викторина. США

TONGUE TWISTERShe sells sea shells by the seashore.That fat black cat sat on a hat. Double bubble gum bubbles double bubbles.Every Friday evening we eat friend fish at the free fish fry.Bob
QUIZ “THE USA” TONGUE TWISTERShe sells sea shells by the seashore.That fat black cat sat Write in the correct orderThe largest city “Towns and cities” San Francisco  WashingtonLos Angeles San FranciscoLos Angeles WashingtonNew YorkLas Vegas “Guess the city” The First city The second city The third city The fourth city The fifth city George Washington1789 The White House The American flag The statue of Liberty Walt Disney 50 states Alaska The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
Слайды презентации

She sells sea shells by the seashore.

TONGUE TWISTERShe sells sea shells by the seashore.That fat black cat

fat black cat sat on a hat.

Double bubble gum bubbles double bubbles.
Every Friday evening we eat friend fish at the free fish fry.
Bob bought a rubber-bumpered baby buggy!

Слайд 3 Write in the correct order
The largest city

Write in the correct orderThe largest city    (Harvard,

(Harvard, 1638)
The smallest state

(the Mississippi)
The longest river (Alaska)
The coldest state (McKinley)
The highest peak (the Niagara Falls)
The oldest university (New York)
The most charming
fascinating waterfall in North(Rhode Island)

Слайд 4 “Towns and cities”
San Francisco

“Towns and cities” San Francisco  WashingtonLos Angeles


New York
Las Vegas

Слайд 5 San Francisco
Los Angeles
New York

Las Vegas

San FranciscoLos Angeles WashingtonNew YorkLas Vegas

Слайд 6 “Guess the city”
The First city

“Guess the city” The First city

Слайд 7 The second city

The second city

Слайд 8 The third city

The third city

Слайд 9 The fourth city

The fourth city

Слайд 10 The fifth city

The fifth city

Слайд 11 George Washington

George Washington1789

Слайд 12 The White House

The White House

Слайд 13 The American flag

The American flag

Слайд 14
The statue of Liberty

The statue of Liberty

Слайд 15 Walt Disney

Walt Disney

Слайд 16 50 states

50 states

Слайд 17 Alaska


Слайд 18 The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans

The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-stranovedcheskaya-viktorina-ssha.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 131
  • Количество скачиваний: 0