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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Дорожная безопасность (6 класс)

When you cross the street on footLook for a zebra crossing or a traffic lights crossing.Stop before you walk onto the road.Make sure it’s clear and walk straight across the road
ROAD SAFETYПрезентация по теме «Дорожная безопасность» к учебнику Spotlight 6, Module 3 When you cross the street on footLook for a zebra crossing or Be safe on the road!Don’t cross between parked cars.Stand on the pavement near the kerb. Be safe on the road!Listen and look both ways for traffic.Don’t run! When you travel on a busDon’t push others when you enter the Sit down in your seat quietly and quickly. If there aren’t seats, use handgrips. When you ride your bikeMake sure your bike is in good condition.Check When you travel in a carAlways sit in the back seat if When you travel in a carDon’t talk to the driver.Don’t block the rear view mirror. Be careful on the roads! Be careful on the roads! Be careful
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 When you cross the street on foot
Look for

When you cross the street on footLook for a zebra crossing

a zebra crossing or a traffic lights crossing.
Stop before

you walk onto the road.
Make sure it’s clear and walk straight across
the road

Слайд 3 Be safe on the road!
Don’t cross between parked

Be safe on the road!Don’t cross between parked cars.Stand on the pavement near the kerb.

Stand on the pavement near the kerb.

Слайд 4 Be safe on the road!
Listen and look both

Be safe on the road!Listen and look both ways for traffic.Don’t run!

ways for traffic.
Don’t run!

Слайд 5 When you travel on a bus
Don’t push others

When you travel on a busDon’t push others when you enter

when you enter the bus.
Don’t lean out out the

Don’t wave from the window.

Слайд 6 Sit down in your seat quietly and quickly.

Sit down in your seat quietly and quickly. If there aren’t seats, use handgrips.

If there aren’t seats, use handgrips.

Слайд 7 When you ride your bike
Make sure your bike

When you ride your bikeMake sure your bike is in good

is in good condition.
Check your brakes and tyres regularly.

a bicycle helmet. Use bike lanes.
Wear bright clothes in daytime.

Слайд 8 When you travel in a car
Always sit in

When you travel in a carAlways sit in the back seat

the back seat if you are under twelve years

old. Wear a seat belt.

Слайд 9 When you travel in a car
Don’t talk to

When you travel in a carDon’t talk to the driver.Don’t block the rear view mirror.

the driver.
Don’t block the rear view mirror.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-dorozhnaya-bezopasnost-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 195
  • Количество скачиваний: 0