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Презентация на тему к открытому уроку Все ли подростки жестоки?

A MADRIGAL Crabbed Age and Youth Cannot live together: Youth is full of pleasance, Age is full of care; Youth like summer morn, =morning Age like winter weather,
ARE ALL TEENS BAD? A MADRIGAL    Crabbed Age and Youth  Cannot live Warm-up activityWhat is your name?How old are you? What music do you VOCABULARYteen, teenager, against, violent, violence, vandalism, societyproblem, group, rebel, rebellious, aggressive, gang Give the English words meaning the following1A young people from 13 up 1 There 3 categories of peopleAn elderly personA middle-age personA teenager Summarizing THE ABC’S OF HAPPINESS. (By R. Vallet) Aspire to reach your
Слайды презентации

Crabbed Age

A MADRIGAL   Crabbed Age and Youth Cannot live together:

and Youth Cannot live together: Youth is full of

pleasance, Age is full of care; Youth like summer morn, =morning Age like winter weather, Youth like summer brave, великолепный Age like winter bare; пустой Youth is full of sport.

Возраст и Юность вместе не могут;
Юность в забавах, Возраст в тревогах.
Юность - как летнего утра дыхание,
Возраст – как зимней поры увядание.
Юность, как лето, теплом приобнимет,
С Возрастом зимняя стужа нахлынет.
В Юности думаешь: жизнь бесконечна!
Возраст попросит оставить беспечность.
Две параллели не могут быть вместе…
Юность! Тобой восхищаюсь! Пою тебе песню!

William Shakespeare


Слайд 3 Warm-up activity
What is your name?
How old are you?

Warm-up activityWhat is your name?How old are you? What music do

What music do you prefer?
What style of clothing

do you prefer?
What youth groupings do you know?
What youth groupings are peaceful?
What youth groupings are aggressive?

teen, teenager, against, violent, violence, vandalism, society
problem, group,

VOCABULARYteen, teenager, against, violent, violence, vandalism, societyproblem, group, rebel, rebellious, aggressive, gang

rebel, rebellious, aggressive, gang

Слайд 5 Give the English words meaning the following
A young

Give the English words meaning the following1A young people from 13

people from 13 up to 19

A group of young people having
the same lifestyle rebellion
An aggressive company of teens subculture
Drawings on walls vandalism
Acts of destroying something gang
Acts against the society to reject
Something cruel, not friendly violence
To say «No» teenager

Слайд 7 There 3 categories of people

An elderly person
A middle-age

There 3 categories of peopleAn elderly personA middle-age personA teenager

A teenager

Слайд 8 Summarizing


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-otkrytomu-uroku-vse-li-podrostki-zhestoki.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 138
  • Количество скачиваний: 0