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Презентация на тему Открытый урок по английскому языку на темуThe Protection of the Environment (1 курс СПО)

Stop cutting down trees
What Can Be Done? Stop cutting down trees Don’t dump waste in the forest Don’t destroy the habitats of birds and animals Support ecological organizations Use bikes instead of cars Don’t pour toxic wastes into our rivers, seas and oceans Close factories, which pollute our environment Close factories, which pollute our environment Don’t cut wild flowers Don’t spray the poison plant as more trees and flowers as we can It’s a world of laughter, a world of tears.It’s a world of
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Stop cutting down trees

Stop cutting down trees

Слайд 3 Don’t dump waste in the forest

Don’t dump waste in the forest

Слайд 4 Don’t destroy the habitats of birds and animals

Don’t destroy the habitats of birds and animals

Слайд 5 Support ecological

Support ecological organizations

Слайд 6 Use bikes instead of cars

Use bikes instead of cars

Слайд 7 Don’t pour toxic wastes into
our rivers, seas

Don’t pour toxic wastes into our rivers, seas and oceans

and oceans

Слайд 9 Close factories, which pollute our environment

Close factories, which pollute our environment

Слайд 10 Close factories, which pollute our environment

Close factories, which pollute our environment

Слайд 11 Don’t cut wild flowers

Don’t cut wild flowers

Слайд 12 Don’t spray the poison

Don’t spray the poison

Слайд 13 plant as more trees and flowers
as we

plant as more trees and flowers as we can

  • Имя файла: otkrytyy-urok-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temuthe-protection-of-the-environment-1-kurs-spo.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 172
  • Количество скачиваний: 1