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Презентация на тему Preston элективный курс по иностранному языку

History of Preston, Lancashire, UK  Preston is situated on the banks of the river Ribul, and ever since the Roman Empire was an important strategic point and a center and a center for sheep and
PrestonLevchenko K.N. History of Preston, Lancashire, UK   Preston is situated on the banks In the photo the bridge Walton (1779-1781 gg.) Ribul River in Preston      The city itself is divided into 22 districts, and each of them Widely known prestonskie historical attractions, among which are the most popular classical      Currently, Preston - a kind of another English city of Faversham. On its      The city is among the top ten of the recognized centers of    There is a city and a Japanese garden, built on the classic      In the cultural program of visits to the city and the meeting      The collection unusual printing on textiles of the early twentieth century, the The list of referenceshttp://images.yandex.ru/?lr=54http://ru.wikipedia.org/http://dic.academic.ru/http://oleolefootball.watchlive.net/fixtures-fa-cup/preston_north_end_v_chelsea_live.html The end
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Слайд 2

Слайд 3 History of Preston, Lancashire, UK 
Preston is

History of Preston, Lancashire, UK  Preston is situated on the banks

situated on the banks of the river Ribul, and

ever since the Roman Empire was an important strategic point and a center and a center for sheep and weaving. Today it is a large city, most tourists celebrating Christmas in England, choose exactly Preston for the winter holidays. Despite the fact that the city was granted the status of Preston until 2002 - he was always a major population center.

Слайд 4 In the photo the bridge Walton (1779-1781 gg.)

In the photo the bridge Walton (1779-1781 gg.) Ribul River in Preston 

Ribul River in Preston 

Слайд 5     The city itself is divided into 22 districts,

    The city itself is divided into 22 districts, and each of

and each of them in the local council has

representatives who are elected for three years. And the desire of each of them, make the area more comfortable, allow Preston to quickly become one of the most comfortable cities in England. Today we add to this status and tourist center. 

Слайд 6 Widely known prestonskie historical attractions, among which are

Widely known prestonskie historical attractions, among which are the most popular

the most popular classical English settlement, as described in

the book "Judgement Day" 1886 edition. 

Слайд 7      Currently, Preston - a kind of another English

     Currently, Preston - a kind of another English city of Faversham. On

city of Faversham. On its territory izrevle settled Anglo-Saxon tribes. Translated

Preston - means the estate of the priest. From the time of the Anglo-Saxons and the Reformation was the possession of the monks Preston Canterbury Christ Church. In the Domesday Book it appears under the name Presteton.       In 1716, in the parish of Preston, was recorded 16 families. The city's population at the time of the first national qualification in 1801 was 220 people.       In 1831 the population grew to 673 people. A significant increase in the number of residents occurred in 1858 in connection with the appearance of the railway in Favershame. According to the qualification in 1871 the city population was 2007 souls.Currently, the city has 3,500 inhabitants. 

Слайд 8      The city is among the top ten of

     The city is among the top ten of the recognized centers

the recognized centers of world trade, thanks to the

big shopping stores, a large market and a huge number of small boutiques with unique architecture. In this city famous for its parks. Some of them are designed by famous architects such as Edward Milner.  In the photo: Victorian park conceived by Edward Milner. From the park with magnificent views of Ribul. The park has a lot of paving, lawns, flowers and fountains        

Слайд 9    There is a city and a Japanese garden,

   There is a city and a Japanese garden, built on the

built on the classic Eastern plan. Winters are mild in

Preston, so walking along the river Ribul on the boat, are a popular excursion programs in the city. Do not forget that the city is famous for its university and. That's a lot of young people and contributed to the fact that the city became the center of many youth festivals. 

Слайд 10      In the cultural program of visits to the

     In the cultural program of visits to the city and the

city and the meeting is the Christmas holidays on

the Eastern calendar. Virtually the entire year in Preston are numerous cultural events related to the communities living here. The city is famous for its theater and Housed in a large entertainment complex with two scenes. In addition to its direct purpose, in this building are held and other public events and shows. In the center of Preston is a delightful building, which houses the local art museum. Admission is free, and in the collection assembled an amazing blend of traditional English art and modern art. 

Слайд 11      The collection unusual printing on textiles of the

     The collection unusual printing on textiles of the early twentieth century,

early twentieth century, the nineteenth-century paintings and contemporary watercolors

and photographs. In the museum you can see a collection of ceramics, glass and modern culture. Also popular are trips to the old steam locomotives, which are contained on a voluntary basis. That's a huge number of attractions and all sorts of excursions, made England a very attractive country for millions of tourists. 

Слайд 13 The list of references

The list of referenceshttp://images.yandex.ru/?lr=54http://ru.wikipedia.org/http://dic.academic.ru/http://oleolefootball.watchlive.net/fixtures-fa-cup/preston_north_end_v_chelsea_live.html

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