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Презентация на тему Armenia

The full name of the country is The Republic of Armenia, the local – Hayastan. The capital is the city Yerevan since 1920. The population in 1997 was 1 million 202 thousand people. Armenia is divided
ARMENIA The full name of the country is The Republic of Armenia, the Structure of a surface. The republic of Armenia is located in northeast The rivers and lakes. The main and the longest river in Armenia Climate. There are six climatic areas in Armenia. In an extreme southeast Armenia is the country with centuries-old and eventful history. It is the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The full name of the country is The

The full name of the country is The Republic of Armenia,

Republic of Armenia, the local – Hayastan. The capital

is the city Yerevan since 1920. The population in 1997 was 1 million 202 thousand people.
Armenia is divided into 10 provinces: the Aragatsotn, the Ararat,the Armavir, the Gegarakunik, the Lorry, the Kotaik, the Chirac, the Sunik, the Tavush, the Voyoc Dzor and the capital area.
The area of the country makes 29800 km ². The state is located in the western Asia, it has no exit to seas. Armenia is a highland, the most part of which is within the limits of the Armenian uplands (the highest point is mountain Aragats, it is 4090 м). The general extent of borders is 1254 km. it Has borders with Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia, Iran.

Слайд 3 Structure of a surface. The republic of Armenia

Structure of a surface. The republic of Armenia is located in

is located in northeast of the Armenian uplands. Here

is the difficult combination of folded and volcanic mountains, accumulative plains, river valleys and lake hollows. About 90 % of the area of the country is at the heights more than 1000 m above the sea level. In the northeast of Armenia there are mountains of the central part of the Small Caucasus.

Слайд 8 The rivers and lakes. The main and the

The rivers and lakes. The main and the longest river in

longest river in Armenia is the Araks, which flows

along borders with Turkey and Iran. The left inflow of Araks is the river Razdan following from lake Sevan, has the important hydropower value.
From more of hundred lakes of Armenia the largest is the Sevan. It serves as a natural water basin for the river Razdan with the cascade of hydroelectric power stations. The Sevan is used as a zone of rest.

Слайд 9 Climate. There are six climatic areas in Armenia.

Climate. There are six climatic areas in Armenia. In an extreme

In an extreme southeast the climate is dry subtropical,

with long hot summers and the soft snowless winters. In foothills around the plain Ararat the climate is moderately dry, with warm summers, cold winters and plentiful precipitations. In the north of the country the is climate moderately cold, with cool summer and frosty winters with plentiful snowfalls.

  • Имя файла: armenia.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 174
  • Количество скачиваний: 1