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Презентация на тему Catherine the Great

PROFILEName: Yekaterina Alexeevna or Catherine II Reign: 9 July 1762 – 17 November 1796 -longest-ruling female leader of Russia & one of the country’s most influential rulers. The Catherine Era was known as the Golden Age
CATHERINE  THE GREATBy Timofei Ganjushev PROFILEName: Yekaterina Alexeevna or Catherine II Reign: 9 July 1762 – 17 POLITICAL/SOCIAL ISSUESCatherine began as a political and social reformer but gradually grew FOREIGN POLICYShe governed at a time when the Russian Empire was expanding ECONOMIC POLICY‘Catherine ruled through corruption, scandal, political reforms, and land expansion.’She created many RUMOURSShe had an erotic appetite for horsesShe died while trying to have Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
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Name: Yekaterina Alexeevna or Catherine II
Reign: 9

PROFILEName: Yekaterina Alexeevna or Catherine II Reign: 9 July 1762 –

July 1762 – 17 November 1796 -longest-ruling female leader

of Russia & one of the country’s most influential rulers. The Catherine Era was known as the Golden Age of the Russian Empire.
She was born in Prussia & came to power following the abdication and assassination of her husband.
Spouse: Peter III of Russia. BUT she had 3 illegitimate children, fathered by 2 different lovers:
Anna Petrovna- the future King Stanislaus II of Poland
Elizabeth Alexandrovna Grigory & Count Alexei Grigorievich Bobrinsky- Grigoryevich Orlov

Catherine began as a political and social

POLITICAL/SOCIAL ISSUESCatherine began as a political and social reformer but gradually

reformer but gradually grew more conservative as she aged

Pugachev Rebellion of 1774-1775 gained huge support until it was extinguished by the Russian army, with Catherine giving nobility greater control over land and serfs
She unintentionally gave the serfs a legitimate bureaucratic status that they had lacked before as they could now file complaints against landlords
But nobles could send their serfs to be punished in Siberia
She eliminated many ways of people becoming serfs and established new schools in which they could learn a trade or get an education
A follower of the Enlightenment in 1767, she assembled a group of delegates in order to determine the people's wishes and compose a constitution. Unfortunately, it was considered too liberal and came to nothing

She governed at a time when the

FOREIGN POLICYShe governed at a time when the Russian Empire was

Russian Empire was expanding rapidly by conquest and diplomacy,

adding 200,000 sq miles to Russian territory.
In the south, the Crimean Khanate was crushed following victories over the Ottoman Empire in the Russo-Turkish wars, and Russia colonised the vast territories of Novorossiya along the coasts of the Black and Azov Seas.
In the west, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, ruled by one of Catherine's former lovers was eventually partitioned-Russian Empire gaining the largest share.
In the east, Russia started to colonise Alaska, establishing Russian America.
In the Far East, Russians became active in fur trapping in Kamchatka and in the Kuril Islands. This spurred Russian interest in opening trade with Japan to the south for supplies and food.

‘Catherine ruled through corruption, scandal, political reforms, and

ECONOMIC POLICY‘Catherine ruled through corruption, scandal, political reforms, and land expansion.’She created

land expansion.’
She created many beneficial trading deals with countries

such as Japan and Britain. 
Issued the first paper money through the Assignment Bank
Due to the large amount of Government spending, she created Assignation rubles. However, this subsequently lead to a silver shortage.
Catherine followed the tendencies of her age in regard to her economic policy and adopted a Laissez-faire approach
She was interested in the development of industry and trade, namely export trade.

She had an erotic appetite for horses
She died

RUMOURSShe had an erotic appetite for horsesShe died while trying to

while trying to have sex with a stallion
She got

her friend to test her lovers for her
She had MANY lovers
She died when a toilet seat broke under her – she actually died of a stroke while on the toilet
Potemkin built fake settlements with hollow facades to fool Empress Catherine II during her visit to Crimea and New Russia
None of her children were fathered by her husband

  • Имя файла: catherine-the-great.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 242
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