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Презентация на тему Диснейленд английский язык

The Map of Park.
Welcome to Disneyland! The Map of Park. Disneyland is a dream of each child! It’s a wonderful park in Main Street There is a railway station. Let’s travel to Disneyland by steam carriage! Fantasyland It’s a pert for little children. Here you can see heroes Discoveryland There are many interesting attractions, cinemas, small zoo, video games and Space Mountain. Walt Disney Studios Park Here you can see haw to make films Disney Village The Disney Village entertainment district contains a variety of restaurants, Children’s DreamDisney is a fairy tale park Thank You for Your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Map of Park.

The Map of Park.

Слайд 3 Disneyland is a dream of each child! It’s a

Disneyland is a dream of each child! It’s a wonderful park

wonderful park in Paris. You can see many interesting


Слайд 4 Main Street There is a railway station. Let’s travel to

Main Street There is a railway station. Let’s travel to Disneyland by steam carriage!

Disneyland by steam carriage!

Слайд 5 Fantasyland It’s a pert for little children. Here you

Fantasyland It’s a pert for little children. Here you can see

can see heroes of fairy-tales and cartoons such as

Mickey Mouse, Snow-White, Sleeping beauty.

Слайд 6 Discoveryland There are many interesting attractions, cinemas, small zoo,

Discoveryland There are many interesting attractions, cinemas, small zoo, video games and Space Mountain.

video games and Space Mountain.

Слайд 7 Walt Disney Studios Park Here you can see haw

Walt Disney Studios Park Here you can see haw to make

to make films and cartoons. It’s charming show!!!

Слайд 8 Disney Village The Disney Village entertainment district contains a

Disney Village The Disney Village entertainment district contains a variety of

variety of restaurants, bars, shops, hotels, Mickey’s friends and

Buffalo Bill’s Show.

Слайд 9 Children’s Dream
Disney is a fairy tale park

Children’s DreamDisney is a fairy tale park

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-disneylend-angliyskiy-yazyk.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 169
  • Количество скачиваний: 1