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Презентация на тему Club of English

I would like to make a club of the English language. There could walk all the students and teachers of our school, and their relatives.
Club of English I would like to make a club of the English language. I think that first of all it is necessary to divide all Of course, each member of the club may make changes such as: We will also bring foreigners to us in the group, it's one And who wants to, can communicate with a foreigner on Skype and Our club will work from Monday to Friday from 17:00 to 20:00. Presentation was prepared by Danil’chenko Vlada
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 I would like to make a club of

I would like to make a club of the English language.

the English language. There could walk all the students

and teachers of our school, and their relatives.

Слайд 3 I think that first of all it is

I think that first of all it is necessary to divide

necessary to divide all the levels of education (someone

knows better, and someone worse). Who knows English well, they could just come and communicate in the English language, improve their speech, their pronunciation, and they can also help those pupils who is worse-know Russian.

Слайд 5 Of course, each member of the club may

Of course, each member of the club may make changes such

make changes such as: getting the music, video, photos,

and etc. The aim of the club is to study and improvement of knowledge of the English language.

Слайд 7 We will also bring foreigners to us in

We will also bring foreigners to us in the group, it's

the group, it's one thing to talk among themselves,

but it is another thing to a foreigner. He may also give a lot of advice for studying a foreign language.

Слайд 8 And who wants to, can communicate with a

And who wants to, can communicate with a foreigner on Skype

foreigner on Skype and share their experiences with other

participants of the club.

Слайд 9 Our club will work from Monday to Friday

Our club will work from Monday to Friday from 17:00 to

from 17:00 to 20:00. For engaging students can hang

out in the school of posters, add to the site of the school of information about our club.

  • Имя файла: club-of-english.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 180
  • Количество скачиваний: 0