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Презентация на тему по теме: I like Advertising.

I Like AdvertisingGrosheva Olga 03-4РМ
I Like AdvertisingGrosheva Olga 03-4РМ Advertising is a form of marketing communication used to persuade an audience What Are the Different Types of Advertising?Broadcast MediaPrint MediaSupport MediaInternet Broadcast MediaTelevision and radio are two traditional broadcast media long used in Print MediaMagazines and newspapers are the two traditional print media. As for Billboards:Support Media Advertising on transport: we can see a lot of means of transport Bus benches: Aerial: Directories:and trade publications are common support media. InternetThe Internet is used by online and offline companies to promote products or services. Advertising in Sport.Sport and advertisement - these are two things that go Social advertising is the use of advertising to inform the public about Will you describe the following pictures on the slides: 16- 19 Torture Victims Are People Just Like You And Me. Your Skin Color Shouldn’t Dictate Your Future. Save Paper – Save The Planet. Smoking Causes Premature Aging. The End
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 I Like Advertising
Grosheva Olga 03-4РМ

I Like AdvertisingGrosheva Olga 03-4РМ

Слайд 3 Advertising is a form of marketing communication used

Advertising is a form of marketing communication used to persuade an

to persuade an audience to take or continue some

action, usually with respect to a commercial offering, or political or ideological support, and I want to do this.

Слайд 4 What Are the Different Types of Advertising?
Broadcast Media

What Are the Different Types of Advertising?Broadcast MediaPrint MediaSupport MediaInternet

Support Media

Слайд 5 Broadcast Media
Television and radio are two traditional broadcast

Broadcast MediaTelevision and radio are two traditional broadcast media long used

media long used in advertising. May be it will

be my business.

Слайд 6 Print Media
Magazines and newspapers are the two traditional

Print MediaMagazines and newspapers are the two traditional print media. As

print media. As for me I like it a


Слайд 7 Billboards:
Support Media

Billboards:Support Media

Слайд 8 Advertising on transport: we can see a lot

Advertising on transport: we can see a lot of means of

of means of transport with advertisement on them.

Слайд 9 Bus benches:

Bus benches:

Слайд 10 Aerial:


Слайд 11 Directories:
and trade publications are common support media.

Directories:and trade publications are common support media.

Слайд 12 Internet
The Internet is used by online and offline

InternetThe Internet is used by online and offline companies to promote products or services.

companies to promote products or services.

Слайд 13 Advertising in Sport.
Sport and advertisement - these are

Advertising in Sport.Sport and advertisement - these are two things that

two things that go hand in hand with each

other. Sports advertising focuses both on the promotion of products and services through sporting events and sports teams.

Слайд 14 Social advertising is the use of advertising to

Social advertising is the use of advertising to inform the public

inform the public about a social issue or to

influence their behavior, to my mind it’s not mine, because I don’t like watching people’s suffering.

Social advertising.

Слайд 15 Will you describe the following pictures on the

Will you describe the following pictures on the slides: 16- 19

slides: 16- 19

Слайд 16 Torture Victims Are People Just Like You And

Torture Victims Are People Just Like You And Me.

Слайд 17 Your Skin Color Shouldn’t Dictate Your Future.

Your Skin Color Shouldn’t Dictate Your Future.

Слайд 18 Save Paper – Save The Planet.

Save Paper – Save The Planet.

Слайд 19 Smoking Causes Premature Aging.

Smoking Causes Premature Aging.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-i-like-advertising.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 132
  • Количество скачиваний: 0