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Презентация на тему Conditionals

The structure of a first conditional sentenceA first conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an "if" clause and a main clause: If the "if" clause comes first, a comma is usually used. If the "if"
CONDITIONALSConditional Sentences Type 0→ Used for scientific / general truth. → Form: The structure of a  first conditional sentenceA first conditional sentence consists The structure and use of a  first conditional sentenceWe use different CONDITIONALSConditional Sentences Type 1→ It is possible and also very likely that CONDITIONALSConditional Sentences Type 2→ There is an unreal possibility that the condition Second conditional: unreal situations Look at the following sentences. In the second Match the sentence halves. 1 	If I did more sport, 	2 	I'd CONDITIONALSConditional Sentences Type 3→ The important thing about the third conditional is CONDITIONALSOther Conditionals→ unless (if … not), in case, provided/providing (that), 	as/so long CONDITIONALSMixed Conditionals→ If-clauses can be mixed provided that they make sense within
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The structure of a first conditional sentence
A first

The structure of a first conditional sentenceA first conditional sentence consists

conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an "if" clause

and a main clause:

If the "if" clause comes first, a comma is usually used. If the "if" clause comes second, there is no need for a comma:

Слайд 3 The structure and use of a first conditional

The structure and use of a first conditional sentenceWe use different

We use different verb forms in each part of

a first conditional:

The first conditional is used to talk about things which are possible in the present or the future -- things which may happen:

Conditional Sentences Type 1
→ It is possible and

CONDITIONALSConditional Sentences Type 1→ It is possible and also very likely

also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.

Form: if + Simple Present, will (Future)
(if + Present Perfect, ) imperatives
→ Examples:
- If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.
- If you have studied for this exam, you will pass it.
- If it is hot today, we may go swimming.
- If you see her, don’t tell her I was here.
- If you go to the supermarket, you can buy some bread


Conditional Sentences Type 2
→ There is an unreal

CONDITIONALSConditional Sentences Type 2→ There is an unreal possibility that the

possibility that the condition will happen.
→ Form: if

+ Past Simple, would (Conditional)

→ Examples:
- If you did your homework more often, your teacher wouldn´t get angry with you.
- If they left early, they might get to the theatre on time.
- If I were you, I wouldn´t buy that expensive coat.
- If I went to the supermarket I could get some bread.

Слайд 6 Second conditional: unreal situations
Look at the following

Second conditional: unreal situations Look at the following sentences. In the

sentences. In the second sentence, what verb tense is

used in each part?
The mountain-biker says: Be prepared for some hard work. If the training was easy, it wouldn't make you faster.
We use the second conditional when we think something is unreal or unlikely. Does he think the training will ever be easy?

Слайд 7

Match the sentence halves.
1 If I did

Match the sentence halves. 1 	If I did more sport, 	2

more sport,
2 I'd be really happy if

If I could sing,
4 My parents would be really angry if
5 If I studied harder,
6 If I had a lot of money,
7 If I could drive,

A I had a party without telling them .
B I'd get much fitter.
C I'd go to South America.
D my father bought me a motorbike.
E I'd be in a band.
F I'd go to the coast more often.
G I'd speak better English.

Conditional Sentences Type 3
→ The important thing about

CONDITIONALSConditional Sentences Type 3→ The important thing about the third conditional

the third conditional is that both the condition and

result are impossible now.
→ Form: if + Past Perfect, would have + P.P.
have + P.P.

→ Examples:
We would have come yesterday if we had known about it.
If I had waited longer last night, I might have found out about it.
- If I had gone to the supermarket I could have bought some bread.

Other Conditionals
→ unless (if … not), in case,

CONDITIONALSOther Conditionals→ unless (if … not), in case, provided/providing (that), 	as/so

provided/providing (that), as/so long as.
→ Examples:
- I´ll go swimming tomorrow

unless it rains.
- You can play with your friends in your room provided that you tidy up afterwards.
- I´ll help you as long as you come with me to the cinema.
- I´ll take my umbrella with me in case it rains.

  • Имя файла: conditionals.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 181
  • Количество скачиваний: 0