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Презентация на тему Countries and Nationalities (Страны и национальности)

Hello! I’m Natasha. I’m from Russia. I can speak Russian and English, but I can’t speak French.
Выполнила:учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ №164 Красногвардейского районаКлимкова Мария Ивановна Hello! I’m Natasha. I’m from Russia. I can speak Russian and English, - Where’s Avril Lavin from? - She’s from Canada. She’s Canadian. - Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from ……. - Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from ……. - Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from ……. - Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from ……. - Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from ……. - Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from ……. - Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from ……. - Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from ……. - Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from ……. - Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from ……. - Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from ……. Make a poster of your favourite cartoon characters. - name - who
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3
Hello! I’m Natasha. I’m from Russia. I can

Hello! I’m Natasha. I’m from Russia. I can speak Russian and

speak Russian and English, but I can’t speak French.

Слайд 4 - Where’s Avril Lavin from?
- She’s

- Where’s Avril Lavin from? - She’s from Canada. She’s Canadian.

from Canada. She’s Canadian.

Слайд 6 - Where’s ……….. from?
- She (He,

- Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from

it) is from ……. . She (He, it)’s ………..


Слайд 8 - Where’s ……….. from?
- She (He,

- Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from

it) is from ……. . She (He,it)’s ……….. .

Слайд 10 - Where’s ……….. from?
- She (He,

- Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from

it) is from ……. . She (He, it)’s ………..


Слайд 12 - Where’s ……….. from?
- She (He,

- Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from

it) is from ……. . She (He,it)’s ……….. .

Слайд 14 - Where’s ……….. from?
- She (He,

- Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from

it) is from ……. . She (He, it)’s ………..


Слайд 16 - Where’s ……….. from?
- She (He,

- Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from

it) is from ……. . She (He, it)’s ………..


Слайд 18 - Where’s ……….. from?
- She (He,

- Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from

it) is from ……. . She (He, it)’s ………..


Слайд 20 - Where’s ……….. from?
- She (He,

- Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from

it) is from ……. . She (He, it)’s ………..


Слайд 22 - Where’s ……….. from?
- She (He,

- Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from

it) is from ……. . She (He, it)’s ………..


Слайд 24 - Where’s ……….. from?
- She (He,

- Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from

it) is from ……. . She (He, it)’s ………..


Слайд 26 - Where’s ……….. from?
- She (He,

- Where’s ……….. from? - She (He, it) is from

it) is from ……. . She (He, it)’s ………..


  • Имя файла: countries-and-nationalities-strany-i-natsionalnosti.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 169
  • Количество скачиваний: 1
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