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Презентация на тему Dates and seasons

Dates.1998 – nineteen ninety- eight1900 – nineteen hundred1901 – nineteen zero – one2000 – ( the year) two thousand2013 – ( the year) two thousand ( and) thirteen2003. 1957, 1492. 1901. 1400. 1700. 1961.
6 классDates and seasons. Dates.1998 – nineteen ninety- eight1900 – nineteen hundred1901 – nineteen zero – Birthdays : 1. Yuri Gagarin’s birthday is in spring. 2. He was Seasons .Spring is greenSummer is brightAutumn is yellowWinter is white Spring months : March, April, May.Summer months: June, July, August.Autumn months: September, V edClosed Was / were 1 Today Jeff and John are happy.But yesterday they
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Dates.
1998 – nineteen ninety- eight
1900 – nineteen hundred

Dates.1998 – nineteen ninety- eight1900 – nineteen hundred1901 – nineteen zero

– nineteen zero – one
2000 – ( the year)

two thousand
2013 – ( the year) two thousand ( and) thirteen
2003. 1957, 1492. 1901. 1400. 1700. 1961.

Слайд 3 Birthdays : 1. Yuri Gagarin’s birthday is in

Birthdays : 1. Yuri Gagarin’s birthday is in spring. 2. He

spring. 2. He was born in spring.
1. Yuri Gagarin

9. 03. 1934.
2. Alexander Pushkin 6. 06 1799.
3. Mikhail Glinka 1. 06. 1804.
4. Lev Tolsioy 9 09 1828.
5. Queen Elizabeth 11 21. 04 1926.
6. William Shakespeare 23. 04 1564.
7.Charles Dickens 07. 02. 1812.
8. Winston S. Churchill 30. 11. 1874.

Слайд 4 Seasons .
Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow

Seasons .Spring is greenSummer is brightAutumn is yellowWinter is white

is white

Слайд 5
Spring months : March, April, May.
Summer months: June,

Spring months : March, April, May.Summer months: June, July, August.Autumn months:

July, August.
Autumn months: September, October, November.
Winter months: December, January,


Слайд 6 V ed

V edClosed         joinedJumped

Jumped cleaned
Showed counted
Opened liked
Walked hated
Dressed finished
Looked thanked
Played enjoyed

  • Имя файла: dates-and-seasons.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 144
  • Количество скачиваний: 0