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Презентация на тему Describing places

Warm up.Find the odd word in the group.a)book, crowded, beautiful.b)ancient, castle, a carpet.c)country, museum, sofa.d)fridge, city, region.
Welcome to our open lesson Warm up.Find the odd word in the group.a)book, crowded, beautiful.b)ancient, castle, a Checking up the homework.Exercise : The 13th of AprilThe theme of today’s lesson: Step2Describing places. St. Paul Cathedral is situated in the centre of the city of Melbourne. Trafalgar Square the largest square in London, is often considered the heart of London Tower Bridge was build(1886-1894) It has become an iconic symbol of London Buckingham Palace , one of several palaces owned by the British Royal Akorda is located on the left bank of the river Ishim in Astana. “The 105m high Baiterek tower has become the sity’s symbol. “Nur- Astana” mosque is the largest mosque of Kazakhstan . International airport of Astana located 14km outside of the capital Astana. Working with bookExercise : 2 Read the dialogue.3.true(T) false(F). V Find the antonymsInteresting Match the places and their sightseeings.Big Ben I’ll give you the text about “Astana” and “London”.  Read the Complete the diagram Game “Who is the best” What’s London like?What’s Astana Venn’s diagram . Giving homework.Write the topic about: “Interesting places” . The end.That’s all for today. You were active. Thank you for your work.Good bye children!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Warm up.
Find the odd word in the group.

Warm up.Find the odd word in the group.a)book, crowded, beautiful.b)ancient, castle,

crowded, beautiful.
b)ancient, castle, a carpet.
c)country, museum, sofa.
d)fridge, city, region.

Слайд 3
Checking up the homework.
Exercise :

Checking up the homework.Exercise :

Слайд 4 The 13th of April
The theme of today’s lesson:

The 13th of AprilThe theme of today’s lesson: Step2Describing places.

Describing places.

Слайд 6
St. Paul Cathedral is situated in the centre

St. Paul Cathedral is situated in the centre of the city of Melbourne.

of the city of Melbourne.

Слайд 7

Trafalgar Square the largest square in London, is

Trafalgar Square the largest square in London, is often considered the heart of London

often considered the heart of London

Слайд 8
Tower Bridge was build(1886-1894) It has become an

Tower Bridge was build(1886-1894) It has become an iconic symbol of London

iconic symbol of London

Слайд 9

Buckingham Palace , one of several palaces owned

Buckingham Palace , one of several palaces owned by the British

by the British Royal family is one of major

tourists attraction in London.

Слайд 10
Akorda is located on the left bank of

Akorda is located on the left bank of the river Ishim in Astana.

the river Ishim in Astana.

Слайд 11
“The 105m high Baiterek tower has become the

“The 105m high Baiterek tower has become the sity’s symbol.

sity’s symbol.

Слайд 12
“Nur- Astana” mosque is the largest mosque of

“Nur- Astana” mosque is the largest mosque of Kazakhstan .

Kazakhstan .

Слайд 13
International airport of Astana located 14km outside of

International airport of Astana located 14km outside of the capital Astana.

the capital Astana.

Слайд 14

. New words.

. New words.

interesting[intrәstiŋ] - қызық
Describe-[dis''kraib] суреттеу
Fantastic –[fæn'tæstik] таңғажайып
Expensive –[ik‘spensiv] қымбат
beautiful- [bjutiful] әдемі
Trafalgar Square- Трафальгар алаңы
Buckingham Palace- Букингем сарайы.
Tower Bridge-Тауер көпірі.
The Thames- Темза өзені.

Слайд 15 Working with book
Exercise : 2 Read the dialogue.

Working with bookExercise : 2 Read the dialogue.3.true(T) false(F).


Jennifer went to Great Britain with Tom __ _f_
Jennifer went to Scotland first __ _f_
Jennifer liked the Like District more
that Scotland __ _f_
d) The weather was warm and sunny every day _t_ __
e) Jennifer went from Bristol to London by bus __ _f_
f) Jennifer is really happy to be in London. _t__ __

Слайд 16
V Find the antonyms

V Find the antonymsInteresting

Expensive cheap
Safe bad
Good boring
Old noisy
Beautiful ugly
Quite stupid
Clever young

Слайд 17 Match the places and their sightseeings.

Big Ben

Match the places and their sightseeings.Big Ben

Baiterek Paris
Eifel Tower Almaty
Korkyt- Ata monument Karmakshy
Medeu London
Burabai Astana

Слайд 18 I’ll give you the text about “Astana” and

I’ll give you the text about “Astana” and “London”. Read the

Read the text and answer the question

and describe them.
a)1.What can you say about the population of London.
2.Find the places to relax.
b)1.What can you say about the population of Astana.
2. Find the places to relax.

Слайд 19 Complete the diagram

Complete the diagram          LondonAstana



Слайд 20 Game “Who is the best”

Game “Who is the best” What’s London like?What’s Astana

London like?
What’s Astana like?
What are the popular buildings of

Astana do you know?
What kind of famous places of London do you know?
What is the name of its river of London and Astana?
How many population of London?
How many population of Astana?

Слайд 21 Venn’s diagram

Venn’s diagram     Astana   Both  London


Both London

Слайд 22 . Giving homework.
Write the topic about: “Interesting places”

. Giving homework.Write the topic about: “Interesting places” .


  • Имя файла: describing-places.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 156
  • Количество скачиваний: 2
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