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Презентация на тему к уроку по теме Окружающая среда в 4 классе по УМК Forward презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Ask and answer smart questions, please!Why?How?What’s the matter?
№15 What’s the matter?How are you, my dear planet? Ask and answer smart questions, please!Why?How?What’s the matter? Odd one out! Чем отличается «лишнее» слово в каждой группе? longest, tallest, Odd one out! Какое значение имеет лишнее слово в каждой группе? Giraffes, yoghurt pots old clothes glass bottles drink cans old comics  old Check up!yoghurt pots   - 1old clothes The planet is illbecause people throw ….Why? We should make the world a better place!   How? – Answer smart questions, please!Why is the planet ill ?How will you make the world better? Assess yourself!Оцени себя!Отлично !Оченьхорошо!Хорошо!Неплохо!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Ask and answer smart questions, please!



What’s the matter?

Ask and answer smart questions, please!Why?How?What’s the matter?

Слайд 3 Odd one out!
Чем отличается «лишнее» слово в

Odd one out! Чем отличается «лишнее» слово в каждой группе? longest,

каждой группе?
longest, tallest, bigger, shortest
mended, watched, found, arrived

she, her, he, they
on, ocean, in the middle of, under
cans, feet, packets, peels

Слайд 4 Odd one out!
Какое значение имеет лишнее слово

Odd one out! Какое значение имеет лишнее слово в каждой группе?

в каждой группе?

Giraffes, bears, monkeys, animals, parrots
Russia, Indonesia,

Australia country, Britain
Bottles, litter, cans, packets, comics

Слайд 5 yoghurt pots
old clothes
glass bottles
drink cans

yoghurt pots old clothes glass bottles drink cans old comics old

old comics
old toys
old plastic packets








Match the pictures and the words

Слайд 6 Check up!

yoghurt pots - 1
old clothes

Check up!yoghurt pots  - 1old clothes   -7glass bottles

glass bottles

drink cans -3
old comics -5
old toys - 2
old plastic packets - 4

Слайд 7 The planet
is ill
people throw ….

The planet is illbecause people throw ….Why?

Слайд 8 We should make the world a better place!

We should make the world a better place!  How? –

How? – I shouldn’t throw…
I ‘ll grow

seeds in them

I ‘ll use it again

I ‘ll take them to a bottle can

I ‘ll take them to a paper can

I ‘ll give them to people
(to children)

a bank – контейнер для

Слайд 9 Answer smart questions, please!
is the planet ill

Answer smart questions, please!Why is the planet ill ?How will you make the world better?


will you make the world better?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-teme-okruzhayushchaya-sreda-v-4-klasse-po-umk-forward-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 157
  • Количество скачиваний: 0