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English is now a global lingua franca, but was first a West Germanic language spoken in medieval England. Currently, this is the first language for the majority of the population in several countries, including the United
English is number one Why it is important to study EnglishTeacher of EnglishSchool #41 Julia Huzak English is now a global lingua franca, but was first a West ― Stephen Fry, The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet Within“The English language is In our multinational, multicultural world…world of religious diversities and unique personalities – Here are some main reasons of English language learning… All over the world, speaking English immediately opens up opportunities. Being able English is also internationally recognized as the language of science. Most of English lets you feel the culture of the world like no other It’s fairly simple.English speaking countries are the most affluent regions on this Speaking Fluent English Denotes a Certain Social StatusIf you speak fluent English, Be mobileBe educatedBe successful Stay uniqueLEARN ENGLISH!!!
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Слайд 2 English is now a global lingua franca, but

English is now a global lingua franca, but was first a

was first a West Germanic language spoken in medieval

England. Currently, this is the first language for the majority of the population in several countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, a few Caribbean nations and New Zealand.
There are about 375 million English as a first language speakers and 750 million English as a second language speakers. English as official or special status in at least 70 countries. Just hearing the numbers gives us an inkling of just how important English is.

Слайд 3 ― Stephen Fry, The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet

― Stephen Fry, The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet Within“The English language

“The English language is like London: proudly barbaric yet

deeply civilised, too, common yet royal, vulgar yet processional, sacred yet profane. Each sentence we produce, whether we know it or not, is a mongrel mouthful of Chaucerian, Shakespearean, Miltonic, Johnsonian, Dickensian and American. Military, naval, legal, corporate, criminal, jazz, rap and ghetto discourses are mingled at every turn.”

Слайд 5 In our multinational, multicultural world…world of religious diversities

In our multinational, multicultural world…world of religious diversities and unique personalities

and unique personalities – ENGLISH is something that can

unite all of us… no matter what skin color we are, where we live, what God we trust in or what lifestyle we have…

Слайд 6 Here are some main
reasons of English

Here are some main reasons of English language learning…


Слайд 7 All over the world, speaking English immediately opens

All over the world, speaking English immediately opens up opportunities. Being

up opportunities. Being able to communicate with foreign clients

and business partners will provide you a more challenging position in your career.
You will also have the option to apply for jobs requiring English like for instance a Manager position. So get your dream job, start learning English!

Push your career forward

Слайд 8 English is also internationally recognized as the language

English is also internationally recognized as the language of science. Most

of science. Most of the knowledge related to computer

or health by example is in English. Being able to use English in your researches – especially on the Web - will give you unlimited access to knowledge! More than 50% of the Internet information is in English.

Get access to knowledge

Слайд 9 English lets you feel the culture of the

English lets you feel the culture of the world like no

world like no other language. Learning it will offer

you the opportunity to do wonderful things.
English is the language of the Film industry and learning it means you will no longer have to rely on subtitles or dubbed versions. You will also be able to read books written by English-speaking authors in their original version. Last but not least, music is much better if you can understand the meaning.

Enjoy art like never before

Слайд 10 It’s fairly simple.
English speaking countries are the most

It’s fairly simple.English speaking countries are the most affluent regions on

affluent regions on this planet, and the amount of

people going abroad on overseas holidays have created the phenomenon of English being the common language people with different national backgrounds use to speak with each other.

English is the Language of Travel!

Слайд 11 Speaking Fluent English Denotes a Certain Social Status


Speaking Fluent English Denotes a Certain Social StatusIf you speak fluent

you speak fluent English, your job opportunities are much

better than those of your peers, and it’s inevitably leading to a certain social status being assigned to fluent English speakers.
ENGLISH and SUCCESS have become synonyms!

  • Имя файла: why-learning-english-is-so-important-yulia-guzak.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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