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Презентация на тему Do you watch Weather forecast

It is sunnyIt is cloudyIt is stormyWhat is the weather like?
GoDo you watch  Weather  forecast Картинки взяты с Бесплатные картинки, фотографии, анимация и звуки - Microsoft Office
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

It is sunny

It is cloudy

It is stormy

What is the weather like?

Слайд 3

It is sunny

It is cloudy

It is stormy

What is the weather like?

Слайд 4

It is rainy

It is snowy

It is sunny

What is the weather like?

Слайд 5

It is sunny

It is rainy

It is frosty

What is the weather like?

Слайд 6

It is sunny

It is windy

It is wet

What is the weather like?

Слайд 7

It is foggy

It is stormy

It is sunny

What is the weather like?

Слайд 8

It is sunny

It is wet

It is foggy

What is the weather like?

Слайд 9

It is warm

It is hot

It is stormy

What is the weather like?

  • Имя файла: do-you-watch-weather-forecast.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 135
  • Количество скачиваний: 0