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Презентация на тему Easter: history, symbols and traditions

Jesus Christ - who is he?
Tyumen State UniversityThe Institute of Psychology and PedagogyAbstractWritten by: Ilya BakinGroup 29ПО124Checked Jesus Christ - who is he? Easter, of course, is celebrated on the first Sunday after the paschal moon, which An egg has a symbolic meaning in many centuries. Excavations witness that Easter hare hides Easter eggs for the kids and sweets.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Jesus Christ - who is he?

Jesus Christ - who is he?

Слайд 3 Easter, of course, is celebrated on the first Sunday after

Easter, of course, is celebrated on the first Sunday after the paschal moon,

the paschal moon, which is the first full moon

that occurs on or next after the vernal equinox, March, 21st.

Слайд 5 An egg has a symbolic meaning in many

An egg has a symbolic meaning in many centuries. Excavations witness

centuries. Excavations witness that traditions of paintings on eggs

have been existing for 5000 years ago

Слайд 6 Easter hare hides Easter eggs for the kids

Easter hare hides Easter eggs for the kids and sweets.

and sweets.

  • Имя файла: easter-history-symbols-and-traditions.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 112
  • Количество скачиваний: 0