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Презентация на тему Electrical safety


There are four main types of electrical injuries:Electrocution (death due to electrical shock)Electrical shockBurnsFallsIntroduction
Flexible Products & Services: Electrical SafetySafety Awareness There are four main types of electrical injuries:Electrocution (death due to electrical shock)Electrical shockBurnsFallsIntroduction General Requirements for Electrical EquipmentExamination – free from recognized hazardsInstallation – in Training RequirementsApplies to:Supervisors*, electricians, machine operators*, painters*, engineers*, and welders(*) Do not Electrical TerminologyCurrent – the movement of electrical chargeResistance – opposition to current Working on or near exposed electrical partsDon’t work on or near exposed Electrical ShockReceived when current passes through the bodySeverity of the shock depends Electrical BurnsMost common shock-related, nonfatal injuryOccurs when you touch electrical wiring or FallsElectric shock can also cause indirect or secondary injuries Workers in elevated Inadequate wiring hazardA hazard exists when a conductor is too small to Overload hazardsIf too many devices are plugged into a circuit, the current Electrical Protective DevicesThese devices shut off electricity flow in the event of Guarding of Live partsMust enclose or guard electric equipment in locations where Cabinets, Boxes and FittingsJunction boxes, pull boxes and fittings must have approved Thermal imaging Use of Flexible CordsMore vulnerable than fixed wiringFlexible cords can be damaged Permissible Uses of Flexible Cords - examplesPendant, orFixture WiringPortable lamps,tools or appliancesStationary equipment-to facilitate interchange Prohibited Uses of Flexible cords - examplesSubstitute for fixed wiringRun through walls, Procedures for using Portable AppliancesProper handling of cordsDon’t raise or lower equipment Procedures for using Portable AppliancesEquipment inspectionVisually check for:Loose partsDeformed or  missing Procedures for using Portable AppliancesEquipment inspectionRemove defective equipment from serviceCheck the plug Procedures for using Portable AppliancesPlugging/unplugging  cord and cord-connected equipment and flexible Use of Nonconductive LaddersPortable ladders must  have nonconductive  side rails Clues that Electrical Hazards ExistTripped circuit breakers or blown fusesWarm tools, wires, SummaryHazardsInadequate wiringExposed electrical partsWires with bad insulationUngrounded electrical systems and toolsOverloaded circuitsDamaged
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 There are four main types of electrical injuries:

There are four main types of electrical injuries:Electrocution (death due to electrical shock)Electrical shockBurnsFallsIntroduction

(death due to electrical shock)

Electrical shock



Слайд 3 General Requirements for Electrical Equipment
Examination – free from

General Requirements for Electrical EquipmentExamination – free from recognized hazardsInstallation –

recognized hazards
Installation – in accordance with labeling
Marking – manufacturer’s

name, voltage, current, wattage

Disconnect switches- labeled to indicate the circuit’s function
Working clearances in front of electrical equipment
Guarding of live parts operating at 50 volts or more
Cabinets, secured rooms – proper labeling
Must also protect from physical damage (forklifts)

Слайд 4 Training Requirements
Applies to:
Supervisors*, electricians, machine operators*, painters*, engineers*,

Training RequirementsApplies to:Supervisors*, electricians, machine operators*, painters*, engineers*, and welders(*) Do

and welders
(*) Do not have to be trained if

they do not work close to exposed parts
Requirements depend on job tasks:
PPE, installation, safe clearances, skills to distinguish exposed parts, determine voltage

Слайд 5 Electrical Terminology
Current – the movement of electrical charge

Electrical TerminologyCurrent – the movement of electrical chargeResistance – opposition to

– opposition to current flow
Voltage – a measure of

electrical force
Conductors – substances, such as metals, that have little resistance to electricity
Insulators – substances, such as wood, rubber, glass, and bakelite, that have high resistance to electricity

Слайд 6 Working on or near exposed electrical parts
Don’t work

Working on or near exposed electrical partsDon’t work on or near

on or near exposed electrical parts unless:
The part is

The part is locked/tagged out

Слайд 7 Electrical Shock
Received when current passes through the body

Electrical ShockReceived when current passes through the bodySeverity of the shock

of the shock depends on:
Path of current through the

Amount of current flowing through the body
Length of time the body is in the circuit
Low voltage does not mean low hazard

Слайд 8 Electrical Burns
Most common shock-related, nonfatal injury
Occurs when you

Electrical BurnsMost common shock-related, nonfatal injuryOccurs when you touch electrical wiring

touch electrical wiring or equipment that is improperly used

or maintained
Typically occurs on the hands
Very serious injury that needs immediate attention

Слайд 9 Falls
Electric shock can also cause indirect or secondary

FallsElectric shock can also cause indirect or secondary injuries Workers in

Workers in elevated locations who experience a shock

can fall, resulting in serious injury or death

Слайд 10 Inadequate wiring hazard
A hazard exists when a conductor

Inadequate wiring hazardA hazard exists when a conductor is too small

is too small to safely carry the current

using a portable tool with an extension cord that has a wire too small for the tool
The tool will draw more current than the cord can handle, causing overheating and a possible fire without tripping the circuit breaker
The circuit breaker could be the right size for the circuit but not for the smaller-wire extension cord

Слайд 11 Overload hazards
If too many devices are plugged into

Overload hazardsIf too many devices are plugged into a circuit, the

a circuit, the current will heat the wires to

a very high temperature, which may cause a fire
If the wire insulation melts, arcing may occur and cause a fire in the area where the overload exists, even inside a wall

Слайд 12 Electrical Protective Devices
These devices shut off electricity flow

Electrical Protective DevicesThese devices shut off electricity flow in the event

in the event of an overload or ground-fault in

the circuit
Include fuses, circuit breakers, and ground-fault circuit-interrupters (GFCIs)
Fuses and circuit breakers are overcurrent devices
When there is too much current:
Fuses melt
Circuit breakers trip open

Слайд 13 Guarding of Live parts
Must enclose or guard electric

Guarding of Live partsMust enclose or guard electric equipment in locations

equipment in locations where it would be exposed to

physical damage

Слайд 14 Cabinets, Boxes and Fittings
Junction boxes, pull boxes and

Cabinets, Boxes and FittingsJunction boxes, pull boxes and fittings must have

fittings must have approved covers
Unused openings in cabinets, boxes

and fittings must be closed (no missing knockouts)

Слайд 15 Thermal imaging

Thermal imaging

Слайд 16 Use of Flexible Cords
More vulnerable than fixed wiring

Use of Flexible CordsMore vulnerable than fixed wiringFlexible cords can be

cords can be damaged by:
Door or window edges
Staples or

Abrasion from adjacent materials
Activities in the area
Improper use of flexible cords can cause shocks, burns or fire

Слайд 17 Permissible Uses of Flexible Cords - examples
Pendant, or

Permissible Uses of Flexible Cords - examplesPendant, orFixture WiringPortable lamps,tools or appliancesStationary equipment-to facilitate interchange

Portable lamps,
tools or appliances
Stationary equipment-to facilitate interchange

Слайд 18 Prohibited Uses of Flexible cords - examples
Substitute for

Prohibited Uses of Flexible cords - examplesSubstitute for fixed wiringRun through

fixed wiring
Run through walls, ceilings, floors, doors, or windows

behind or attached to building surfaces

Слайд 19 Procedures for using Portable Appliances
Proper handling of cords

Procedures for using Portable AppliancesProper handling of cordsDon’t raise or lower

raise or lower equipment by its cord
Don’t unplug the

equipment by pulling on its cord
Don’t staple or fasten the cord so as to damage the outer jacket

Слайд 20 Procedures for using Portable Appliances
Equipment inspection
Visually check for:

Procedures for using Portable AppliancesEquipment inspectionVisually check for:Loose partsDeformed or missing partsDamaged jackets or insulation

Deformed or missing parts
Damaged jackets or insulation

Слайд 21 Procedures for using Portable Appliances
Equipment inspection
Remove defective equipment

Procedures for using Portable AppliancesEquipment inspectionRemove defective equipment from serviceCheck the

from service
Check the plug and receptacle mating configuration before


Слайд 22 Procedures for using Portable Appliances
Plugging/unplugging cord and cord-connected

Procedures for using Portable AppliancesPlugging/unplugging cord and cord-connected equipment and flexible

equipment and flexible cords
Ensure hands are dry
Never pull the

plug out by the cord

Слайд 23 Use of Nonconductive Ladders
Portable ladders must have nonconductive

Use of Nonconductive LaddersPortable ladders must have nonconductive side rails when

side rails when used near energized parts
Metal ladders can

conduct electricity and cause arcing and shocks

Слайд 24 Clues that Electrical Hazards Exist
Tripped circuit breakers or

Clues that Electrical Hazards ExistTripped circuit breakers or blown fusesWarm tools,

blown fuses

Warm tools, wires, cords, connections, or junction boxes


Fault Circuit Interrupter that shuts off a circuit

Worn or frayed insulation around wire or connection



  • Имя файла: electrical-safety.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 178
  • Количество скачиваний: 0