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Презентация на тему English-speaking countries

English-speaking countries Canada Ottawa-is the capital of Canada The national flag of Canada The USA Washington is the capital of the USA The national flag of the USA Australia Canberra-is the capital of Australia The national flag of Australia New Zealand Wellington-is the capital of New Zealand The national flag of New Zealand The UK The national flag of the UK London is the capital of the UK
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Canada


Слайд 3 Ottawa-is the capital of Canada

Ottawa-is the capital of Canada

Слайд 4 The national flag of Canada

The national flag of Canada

Слайд 5 The USA


Слайд 6 Washington is the capital of the USA

Washington is the capital of the USA

Слайд 7 The national flag of the USA

The national flag of the USA

Слайд 8 Australia


Слайд 9 Canberra-is the capital of Australia

Canberra-is the capital of Australia

Слайд 10 The national flag of Australia

The national flag of Australia

Слайд 11 New Zealand

New Zealand

Слайд 12 Wellington-is the capital of New Zealand

Wellington-is the capital of New Zealand

Слайд 13 The national flag of New Zealand

The national flag of New Zealand

Слайд 14 The UK

The UK

Слайд 15 The national flag of the UK

The national flag of the UK

  • Имя файла: english-speaking-countries.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 167
  • Количество скачиваний: 0