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Презентация на тему General characteristics of the noun as a part of speech

General characteristicsAs any other part of speech, the noun can be characterized by three criteria: Semantic (the meaning)Morphological (the form and grammatical categories)Syntactical (functions, distribution)
General characteristics of the noun as a part of speech General characteristicsAs any other part of speech, the noun can be characterized Semantic features of the nounAccording to different principles of classification nouns fall Morphological features of the nounIn accordance with the morphological structure of the Morphological categoriesThe noun has morphological categories of:NumberCaseGender (some scholars admit the existence Syntactic features of the nounThe noun can be used in the sentence
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Слайд 2 General characteristics
As any other part of speech, the

General characteristicsAs any other part of speech, the noun can be

noun can be characterized by three criteria:
Semantic (the

Morphological (the form and grammatical categories)
Syntactical (functions, distribution)

Слайд 3 Semantic features of the noun
According to different principles

Semantic features of the nounAccording to different principles of classification nouns

of classification nouns fall into several subclasses:

According to the

type of nomination they may be proper and common

According to the form of existence they may be animate and inanimate. Animate nouns in their turn fall into human and non-human

According to their quantitative structure nouns can be countable and uncountable

Слайд 4 Morphological features of the noun
In accordance with the

Morphological features of the nounIn accordance with the morphological structure of

morphological structure of the stems all nouns can be

classified into:

Simple, derived (stem + affix, affix + stem- happiness)

Compound (stem + stem- armchair)

Composite (the Hague)

Слайд 5 Morphological categories
The noun has morphological categories of:



Gender (some

Morphological categoriesThe noun has morphological categories of:NumberCaseGender (some scholars admit the

scholars admit the existence of that category, but not


  • Имя файла: general-characteristics-of-the-noun-as-a-part-of-speech.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 269
  • Количество скачиваний: 0