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Презентация на тему Extreme Ironing

Extreme Ironing (or EI) is an extreme sport and a performance art in which people take an ironing board to a remote location and iron items of clothing.
Extreme Ironing Extreme Ironing (or EI) is an extreme sport and a performance art Part of the attraction and interest the media has towards extreme ironing These performances can take place like a mountainside of a difficult climb, Extreme ironing carries on a tradition of British eccentricity. You need only two things for this sport. They are iron and lots of imagination.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Extreme Ironing (or EI) is an extreme sport

Extreme Ironing (or EI) is an extreme sport and a performance

and a performance art in which people take an

ironing board to a remote location and iron items of clothing.

Слайд 3 Part of the attraction and interest the media

Part of the attraction and interest the media has towards extreme

has towards extreme ironing seems to centre on the

issue of whether it is really a sport or not.

Слайд 4 These performances can take place like a mountainside

These performances can take place like a mountainside of a difficult

of a difficult climb, a forest, on top of

large bronze statues, in the middle of a street; underwater and under the ice cover of a lake.

Слайд 5 Extreme ironing carries on a tradition of British

Extreme ironing carries on a tradition of British eccentricity.


  • Имя файла: extreme-ironing.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 154
  • Количество скачиваний: 1