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Презентация на тему Глагол to have got

shirt friend skirt red dress yes T-shirt bird
Презентация к конкурсу по английскому языку  для 5 классов УМК Spotlight shirt friend skirt red  dress yes T-shirt bird The Fox and the CockOne morning the Cock goes for a walk. love   like   don’t like   hate Popsy is a famous singer and she sings/is singing every day. Popsy
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 shirt friend skirt red dress yes T-shirt bird

shirt friend skirt red dress yes T-shirt bird

Слайд 3 The Fox and the Cock
One morning the Cock

The Fox and the CockOne morning the Cock goes for a

goes for a walk.
He goes for a walk

to the wood.

He sees a very big tree and sits in it.

The Fox is in the wood too.

The Fox sees the Cock in the tree and says: "Oh, a cock is a very nice breakfast".

Слайд 4 "Do you know that all the animals

friends now?", says the Fox.
"Thank you. I'm Ok",

says the Cock.

The Fox comes up to the tree and
says: "Good morning, friend Cock.
How are you?"

Слайд 5 "But I see a dog".
"The dog is

coming to the tree".
"Dogs like to eat too".

"All right", says the Cock.

Слайд 6 love like don’t like

love  like  don’t like  hate


Слайд 7 Popsy is a famous singer and she sings/is

Popsy is a famous singer and she sings/is singing every day.

singing every day.
Popsy is very fit and she

exercises/is exercising
in the gym every day.

She never eats/is eating unhealthy food.

Popsy doesn’t usually wear/isn’t
usually wearing blue jeans.

She usually wears/is wearing pink
trousers and blue T-shirt with
a star on it.

Look! Popsy sings/is singing now.

Today Popsy sings/is singing very well.

  • Имя файла: glagol-to-have-got.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 134
  • Количество скачиваний: 0