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Презентация на тему New Zealand

Geographical situationNew Zealand  is an island country located in the southwestern Pacific ocean. The country geographically comprises two main landmasses ‒ that of the north and south islands ‒ and numerous smaller islands.Total area is 268,021 km2
New Zealand Geographical situationNew Zealand  is an island country located in the southwestern Pacific ocean. The country Flag and coat of arms. The CapitalThe capital of New Zealand is Wellington. PopulationPopulation is near 4,500,000 people. LandscapeLandscape of New Zealand is different. There are many hills, mountains and plains. Rivers and lakesThere are many small rivers and lakes in New Zealand. MountainsThe main mountains are Mount Cook and Mount Tasman. Famous peopleChemist and physicist Ernest Rutherford was born August 30, 1871, in Peter Jackson is most well-known for his film adaptation of J. R. R. THE END
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Geographical situation
New Zealand  is an island country located in the

Geographical situationNew Zealand  is an island country located in the southwestern Pacific ocean. The

southwestern Pacific ocean. The country geographically comprises two main landmasses

‒ that of the north and south islands ‒ and numerous smaller islands.

Total area is 268,021 km2

Слайд 3 Flag and coat of arms.

Flag and coat of arms.

Слайд 4 The Capital
The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.

The CapitalThe capital of New Zealand is Wellington.

Слайд 5 Population
Population is near 4,500,000 people.

PopulationPopulation is near 4,500,000 people.

Слайд 6 Landscape
Landscape of New Zealand is different. There are

LandscapeLandscape of New Zealand is different. There are many hills, mountains and plains.

many hills, mountains and plains.

Слайд 7 Rivers and lakes
There are many small rivers and

Rivers and lakesThere are many small rivers and lakes in New

lakes in New Zealand.
The biggest lakes are Taupo

and Haruoko.

Слайд 8 Mountains
The main mountains are Mount Cook and Mount

MountainsThe main mountains are Mount Cook and Mount Tasman.


Слайд 9 Famous people
Chemist and physicist Ernest Rutherford was born

Famous peopleChemist and physicist Ernest Rutherford was born August 30, 1871,

August 30, 1871, in Spring Grove, New Zealand. A

pioneer of nuclear physics and the first to split the atom, Rutherford was awarded the 1908 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his theory of atomic structure. 

Слайд 10 Peter Jackson is most well-known for his film

Peter Jackson is most well-known for his film adaptation of J. R.

adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy, which

has won numerous awards. This films were shooting in New Zealand.

  • Имя файла: new-zealand.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 178
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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