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Презентация на тему Halloween

Halloween, or the eve of Day all sacred, is celebrated last day of october. As against numerous rituals this holidays is not reset overlooked. Opposite scope of his celebrating, for
Halloween Halloween, or the eve of Day all sacred, Roots of this strange holiday withdraw us in depth of centuries, Night for November, 1st when under legends the border between the worlds As one of oldest holidays of the world, Halloween today is celebrated By the integral attribute Halloween was also tradition to cut out It is a lot of centuries back on ground lrish the smith The priests – druids trusted that at one time cats were the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Halloween, or the eve of Day all

Halloween, or the eve of Day all sacred,

sacred, is celebrated last day

of october.
As against numerous rituals this holidays is not reset overlooked. Opposite scope of his celebrating, for exacempl, in usa is comparable with very popular christmas.

Слайд 3 Roots of this strange holiday withdraw us

Roots of this strange holiday withdraw us in depth of

in depth of centuries, during a pre-Christian epoch when

the grounds of ireland, Northern France England occupied tribes.Their year consisted of two parts- summer and winter.And transition of one season in another was marked by the termination of harvesting, it was marked on October, 31st and symbolized the beginning of new year. The rights were entered with winter.

History of a holiday

Слайд 4 Night for November, 1st when under legends the

Night for November, 1st when under legends the border between the

border between the worlds alive opened and dead was

called Samxain.
Pagans gave to it great value and, to not fall prey to a shadow dead dressed up in animal heads and skins, extinguished the centres in the houses and all frightening kind frightened off ghosts.

Слайд 5 As one of oldest holidays of the world,

As one of oldest holidays of the world, Halloween today is

Halloween today is celebrated in many countries of the

world. Not exception and Russia, were with each year ever more then people enables «dark» forces to take hold of itself for one night.
About this holiday set of the books all over the world is written, some films and musicals are token off. Each year millions toys, ridiculous masks and «awful» of costumes are let out. Even competitions one best Jack-o-lanterns will be carried out.

Halloween holiday

Слайд 6 By the integral attribute Halloween was also

By the integral attribute Halloween was also tradition to cut

tradition to cut out on tumips , polatoes and

later pumpkins the ridiculous persons to place inside their candles, receiving a celebratory lantern Jack-o-lanterns


Слайд 7 It is a lot of centuries back on

It is a lot of centuries back on ground lrish the

ground lrish the smith on a name Jack lived.About

cunning and avarice it legends to this day go. One of them says , that he could deceive of Devil and, thus, to receive the promise dirty, that that never will attempt upon soul of the smith.
However, the sins Jack have not allowed it to go and in paradise. And it was released to wander by the ground about day Courting , shining a way by the slice coal protected from a wind by an ordinary pumpkin.

Слайд 8 The priests – druids trusted that at one

The priests – druids trusted that at one time cats were

time cats were the people , but after death

of their soul were moved in bodies of the cats as punishment for their malicious businesses.For this reason they considered the cats as sacred animals and used them in worship idols of October 31 and November 1. Thus cats, and especially black symbolized evil. Also they were a symbol реинкарнации.

  • Имя файла: halloween.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 128
  • Количество скачиваний: 0