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Презентация на тему Halloween symbols презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (3 класс)

COLOURS The colours of Halloween are orange and black.
Подготовил:  Учитель английского языка Лебедь К. А ГБОУ СОШ №349Halloween Symbols COLOURS The colours of Halloween are orange and black. PUMPKINS People make special Halloween lamps from the pumpkin. Pumpkins are carved into Jack o'Lanterns. Witches can do magic. They make spells!   Good Blood Bad Blood VAMPIRES Many people are afraid of bats. When they see a bat, Vampires drink blood. Vampires are afraid of garlic. Spiders come out on  Halloween night! Ghosts usually livein old houses. People call these “haunted houses”. Halloween RhymeChildren play trick-or-treat on Halloween night. They say trick-or-treat to their neighbours and get sweets ! Trick-or-Treat Smell my feet Give me something good to eat. Not too
Слайды презентации

The colours of Halloween are orange
and black.

COLOURS The colours of Halloween are orange and black.

People make special Halloween lamps
from the pumpkin.

PUMPKINS People make special Halloween lamps from the pumpkin. Pumpkins are carved into Jack o'Lanterns.

Pumpkins are carved into
Jack o'Lanterns.

Слайд 4
Witches can do magic. They make spells!

Witches can do magic. They make spells!  Good Blood Bad Blood

Good Blood Bad Blood

Many people are afraid of bats.

When they

VAMPIRES Many people are afraid of bats. When they see a

see a bat, they think of a vampire.

Слайд 6 Vampires drink blood.

Vampires drink blood.

Слайд 7 Vampires are afraid of garlic.

Vampires are afraid of garlic.

Слайд 8

Spiders come out on Halloween night!

Spiders come out on Halloween night!

Слайд 9 Ghosts usually live
in old houses.
People call these

Ghosts usually livein old houses. People call these “haunted houses”.

“haunted houses”.

Слайд 10 Halloween Rhyme
Children play trick-or-treat on
Halloween night.

Halloween RhymeChildren play trick-or-treat on Halloween night.

Слайд 11 They say trick-or-treat to their neighbours and get

They say trick-or-treat to their neighbours and get sweets !

sweets !

  • Имя файла: halloween-symbols-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-3-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 126
  • Количество скачиваний: 0