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Презентация на тему Healthy life

How you keep your healthy life?ExerciseLet`s get startedWhat are the benefits of exercising?Healthy eatingstressHave you got bad habits?
How you keep your healthy life?ExerciseLet`s get startedWhat are the benefits of ExerciseThere is increasing prevalence of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some cancers Let`s get startedExperts say just 30 minutes of activity three to four Exercise every dayExercise will make you feel better, improve your health and How do I do this?There are many ways to exercise every day Healthy eatingA well balanced diet coupled with regular exercise is a successful Healthy eatingEating too much salt can increase the risk of developing high Bad habitsScientists to be nail- biting weakens intelligent children and also Bad habits Thank you for your attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 How you keep your healthy life?
Let`s get started

How you keep your healthy life?ExerciseLet`s get startedWhat are the benefits

are the benefits of exercising?
Healthy eating
Have you got bad


Слайд 3 Exercise
There is increasing prevalence of obesity, cardiovascular disease,

ExerciseThere is increasing prevalence of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some

diabetes and some cancers in this country due to

poor physical health.
Establishing a healthy lifestyle is your primary and best prevention against many of these conditions.

Слайд 4 Let`s get started
Experts say just 30 minutes of

Let`s get startedExperts say just 30 minutes of activity three to

activity three to four days per week will help

you stay healthier

Слайд 5 Exercise every day
Exercise will make you feel better,

Exercise every dayExercise will make you feel better, improve your health

improve your health and help you perform at your

best every day

Слайд 7 How do I do this?
There are many ways

How do I do this?There are many ways to exercise every

to exercise every day without going to the gym

or to a fitness club. Here a few:
Park father away from work, the grocery the shopping mall
Take your dog for a 20-30 minute walk every other day.
Add exercise into your weekend plans.
Turn your store or coffee break into a walking break

Слайд 11 Healthy eating
A well balanced diet coupled with regular

Healthy eatingA well balanced diet coupled with regular exercise is a

exercise is a successful combination to help keep your

body fit

Guide your choices with the help from « Food guide pyramid» and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Слайд 14 Healthy eating
Eating too much salt can increase the

Healthy eatingEating too much salt can increase the risk of developing

risk of developing high blood pressure. Having high blood pressure

increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Слайд 17 Bad habits
Scientists to be nail- biting weakens

Bad habitsScientists to be nail- biting weakens intelligent children and

intelligent children and also affect their ability to perception,

as they are susceptible to lead poisoning accumulated under the nails as a result of playing in the dusty atmosphere both inside and outside the home .. Russian
This came in a research conducted by modern scientific center in Moscow on hundreds of cases in which children nibbles nails.
 Scientists believe the center Aural epidemics Prussia that nail-biting may be why high levels of the element lead in the blood of some children who يقضمون nails result element of dust and dirt in the fruits and vegetables that do not wash well, have also shown high girls Ikdmn nails, reaching 69% compared to the boys 62%.
 The research and previous studies have confirmed that children’s exposure to lead contributes greatly to the injury problems in nerve growth and it may even lead to a damaging extent the entire nervous system. In this regard, advised doctors to monitor the child and know the reason behind it .. Which is mostly due to shyness or anxiety Oalolm or sadness .. And work to remove this cause serious health ……..

Слайд 18 Bad habits

Bad habits

  • Имя файла: healthy-life.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 130
  • Количество скачиваний: 0