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Презентация на тему How to make small talk

Small talk is a casual form of conversation that “breaks the ice” or fills an awkward silence between people.
How to make small talk The presentation is made by Galina Galkina Small talk is a casual form of conversation that “breaks the ice” Who? What? Where? When? Why? WHO makes small talk?People with many different relationshipswho do not know each WHAT do people make small talk about? The weatherThe foodCurrent eventsThe news, Forbidden topicspersonal information as salaries or a recent divorce something (good or WHERE do people make small talk?At the office At a social eventOut for a walkWaiting somewhere WHEN do people make small talk?first time you see or meet someone WHY do people make small talk? to break an uncomfortable silence.simply to Small Talk Is for Small Minds. Think About it.  Talk Deeply, Be Happy? The Fine Art of Small Talk Engage anyone in conversation with poise « Every conversation is an opportunity for success »
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Small talk is a casual form of conversation

Small talk is a casual form of conversation that “breaks the

that “breaks the ice” or fills an awkward silence

between people.

Слайд 3 Who?

Who? What? Where? When? Why?

Слайд 4 WHO makes small talk?
People with many different relationships

WHO makes small talk?People with many different relationshipswho do not know

do not know each other at all
people who are

only acquaintances -“friend of a friend”
Office employees who may not be good friends but work in the same department

Слайд 5 WHAT do people make small talk about?

WHAT do people make small talk about? The weatherThe foodCurrent eventsThe

The food
Current events
The news, sports news, entertainment news

and dislikes
Family affairs
Country matters
Showing interest
Back to business

Слайд 6 Forbidden topics
personal information as salaries or a recent

Forbidden topicspersonal information as salaries or a recent divorce something (good

something (good or bad) about a person’s

Negative comments
Private issues
Religion or politics

Слайд 7 WHERE do people make small talk?
At the office

WHERE do people make small talk?At the office At a social eventOut for a walkWaiting somewhere

At a social event
Out for a walk
Waiting somewhere

Слайд 8 WHEN do people make small talk?
first time you

WHEN do people make small talk?first time you see or meet

see or meet someone on a given day
during a

break in
a meeting or presentation when there is nothing important

Слайд 9 WHY do people make small talk?
to break

WHY do people make small talk? to break an uncomfortable silence.simply

an uncomfortable silence.
simply to fill time
in order to

be polite

Слайд 10 Small Talk Is for Small Minds. Think About

Small Talk Is for Small Minds. Think About it. Talk Deeply, Be Happy?

Talk Deeply, Be Happy?

Слайд 11 The Fine Art of Small Talk
Engage anyone

The Fine Art of Small Talk Engage anyone in conversation with

in conversation with poise and confidence
Revive a dying

Come across as composed and self-assured when talking to people or entertaining clients at conventions, trade shows, and other work related functions
Become an "active" listener
Overcome communication barriers
Handle awkward situations
Come up with topics to discuss
Avoid conversation "killers"
Develop business friendships
Prepare for successful conversation
Remember names and use them properly
Exit conversations with tact, with grace
Feel more at ease at parties, banquets, receptions, and networking events

Слайд 12 "A mixture of stand-up comic, therapist and teacher."

  • Имя файла: how-to-make-small-talk.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 231
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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