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Презентация на тему Relationship between Tokyo and japanese animation

Plan:Introduction;View of the city or Tokyo;Representation of Japanese animation;History of Tokyo;History of Anime;Relationship Tokyo and Anime.
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Иркутской области «Иркутский техникум архитектуры и строительства». Plan:Introduction;View of the city or Tokyo;Representation of Japanese animation;History of Tokyo;History of Anime;Relationship Tokyo and Anime. Introduction.Objectives: Find a relationship between the city Tokyo and Japanese animation.Tasks:1. Tell Anime has come to us from quite a beautiful and flourishing Tokyo is…Tokyo - Japan's capital, its administrative, financial, cultural, commercial and political What anime?Anime - Japanese animation unique to a particular panache and the History of Tokyo:The city of Tokyo was established in 1457 and was History of Anime:  Anime, as an independent direction in the cartoon Relationship Tokyo and Anime.Tokyo - a true treasure trove for any fan Internet resources:http://leit.ru/modules.php?name=Pages&pa=showpage&pid=32https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Токиоwww.japantokyo.ru/history.htmlhttps://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/История_анимеhttp://gaku.ru/info/tokyo_anime_guide.html Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Plan:
View of the city or Tokyo;
Representation of Japanese

Plan:Introduction;View of the city or Tokyo;Representation of Japanese animation;History of Tokyo;History of Anime;Relationship Tokyo and Anime.

History of Tokyo;
History of Anime;
Relationship Tokyo and Anime.

Слайд 3 Introduction.
Find a relationship between the city Tokyo

Introduction.Objectives: Find a relationship between the city Tokyo and Japanese animation.Tasks:1.

and Japanese animation.
1. Tell me what a Japanese animation.

Tell us what it represents the capital of Japan.
3. To explore a bit of history.
3.1. Learn some history of the city.
3.2. Learn some history or anime.
4. To analyze to what genres used in most cases the pictures of Tokyo street.

Слайд 4 Anime has come to us from quite a

Anime has come to us from quite a beautiful and

beautiful and flourishing country. Since the country is in

my opinion very attractive, and the type of animation is quite interesting to me, I will try to find a relationship between the anime and the capital of Japan.

Слайд 5 Tokyo is…
Tokyo - Japan's capital, its administrative, financial,

Tokyo is…Tokyo - Japan's capital, its administrative, financial, cultural, commercial and

cultural, commercial and political center. Officially, Tokyo is not

a city, and one of the prefectures, more precisely, metropolitan area, the only one in its class. Tokyo District consists of 62 administrative units - cities, towns and rural communities. The headquarters of the government is in Shinjuku, which is the municipal center of the district. In the capital city has its official symbols - the coat of arms, flag, sign, the sign flag, flower, tree and bird.

Слайд 6 What anime?
Anime - Japanese animation unique to a

What anime?Anime - Japanese animation unique to a particular panache and

particular panache and the terms of the topics, which

is designed for a wide variety of groups.

Слайд 7 History of Tokyo:
The city of Tokyo was established

History of Tokyo:The city of Tokyo was established in 1457 and

in 1457 and was named Edo. By order of

Uesugi Motimoto began construction of a castle in the place where it is currently located East Garden of the Imperial Palace. In 1603, Tokugawa Ieyasu becomes shogun and began to rule Japan from Edo Castle. In 1707, Fuji volcano wakes up and ashes covered the town. And in 1855 in Edo was a great earthquake. In 1867, Yoshinobu Tokugawa gives power to the Emperor. In 1868, the city of Edo was renamed Tokyo. In 1872, Tokyo is expanded to 23 districts now known. In 1947, the number of areas of Tokyo is reduced to 23.

Слайд 8 History of Anime: Anime, as an independent direction in

History of Anime: Anime, as an independent direction in the cartoon

the cartoon appeared in 1958 and was officially recognized

as the art of the end of XX-th century. The experiments were carried out with the animation in Japan and before that, the first noticeable creation attributable to the anime, the show became a «Tale of the White Serpent», cartoon «Toei» studio. The first anime series «Otogi Manga Calendar» released a studio «Otogi». During the 1970's anime-x activity changes. By the 1980s, anime and manga are widely spread in Japan. The 1990s and 2000s were a time of widespread acceptance of anime outside of Japan. In Japan, we continued to improve the technology of creating and drawing anime. From children's animated films beginning of XX-th century, Japanese animation has become a culture, the creative variety, teen, children and adult product.

Слайд 9

Relationship Tokyo and Anime.

Tokyo - a true treasure

Relationship Tokyo and Anime.Tokyo - a true treasure trove for any

trove for any fan of Japanese animation. It is

here arranged animation studios, art studios, publishing houses and shops with the variety of anime goods. In Tokyo, there are specific areas that are the focus of the anime culture. About Akihabara district wrote a book drawn anime series, filmed and legends. In the area of ​​Comic Market can be found on certain activities of indigenous mangag or artists that paint animation. Designed by perhaps the most famous Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki and populated with characters from "Spirited Away" and "Howl's Moving Castle», Chibli Studio Museum will appeal to every fan of Japanese animation. Gundam - themed cafe is devoted published in the far '79 series about a robot Gundam. The waitresses are dressed in uniforms from the movie, vegetables in salads are cut in the form of the Earth Federation icons. The toilet is located cameras, just like in the cartoon.

Слайд 10 Internet resources:

Internet resources:http://leit.ru/modules.php?name=Pages&pa=showpage&pid=32https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Токиоwww.japantokyo.ru/history.htmlhttps://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/История_анимеhttp://gaku.ru/info/tokyo_anime_guide.html

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