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Презентация на тему Ideas where to travel in winter in Ukraine

Bright colors Petrykivka Daylight in winter is fleeting, before you know it – twilight had fallen to earth. When the sky is grey with clouds, you want to decorate your life with bright colors.
Ideas where to travel in winter in UkraineEtooth winter Bright colors Petrykivka   Daylight in winter is fleeting, before you In a whirlwind of enchanting Nativity scene: To roots: rest on the Khortitsa   Invincible Cossack spirit still Ethnic flavor of Bessarabia   Bessarabia is interesting not only when The Color Of Winter PirogovMost of the folk festivals have long had THANKS FOR WATCHING
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Bright colors Petrykivka
Daylight in winter

Bright colors Petrykivka  Daylight in winter is fleeting, before you

is fleeting, before you know it – twilight had

fallen to earth. When the sky is grey with clouds, you want to decorate your life with bright colors. This will help the craftswomen of the Petrykivka. This village is the birthplace of the unique Petrykivka painting. It's time to plunge into the national colour and to take a master class in painting. And then look at the historical-ethnographic complex "Cossack sotnya" on the street Dnieper, 25.

Слайд 3 In a whirlwind of enchanting Nativity scene: "the

In a whirlwind of enchanting Nativity scene:

Shevchenko grove"
No Christmas and the winter

in Ukraine will not do without folk festivals, and folk festivals – no fun Nativity set. And where you should go for nifedine action? Of course, the lions! And the best Christmas traditions to meet in the ethnographic Museum of folk architecture and life "Shevchenko's grove". This is a magical area where you can just wander for hours, admiring the wooden churches and unique buildings. The winter holidays are all filled with cheerful hubbub of Nativity scenes, Ukrainian dancing, and, of course, carols.

Слайд 4 To roots: rest on the Khortitsa

To roots: rest on the Khortitsa  Invincible Cossack spirit still

Invincible Cossack spirit still lingers in these parts. The

island of Khortytsya – the cradle of Zaporizhian Sich, surrounded by rocks and rapids. With the historical past you will learn about the Museum of history of zaporozhzhye Cossacks and the historic-cultural complex "Zaporizhzhya Sich". A small town with authentic buildings, a Church, barns. You will show fortifications, weapons, guns, household items Cossacks... of entertainment – horse shows, training of Ukrainian crafts, battles on swords and many other interesting things.

Слайд 5 Ethnic flavor of Bessarabia

Ethnic flavor of Bessarabia  Bessarabia is interesting not only when

is interesting not only when the steppe is covered

with green carpet. Frumusica-Nova is a gift for the soul anytime of the year and unusual idea, where to go in Ukraine in the winter. The Museum complex tells about the Bessarabian tradition and strolling through the local streets, you will learn all about the life of the peoples of the past and their way of life. Gorgeous wine cellars, buchari complex, mini-zoo, familiarity with the pheasants and specialities of lamb and mutton. And there is a Park of Soviet monuments...

Слайд 6 The Color Of Winter Pirogov
Most of the folk

The Color Of Winter PirogovMost of the folk festivals have long

festivals have long had for the winter. Still, because

of the cold I want to warm hearts! It is not surprising that from ancient times came to us many traditions. And winter holidays are the time to meet them. For this ideal Pirogovo – Museum under the open sky. Wooden churches, cottages 17-20 centuries, a whole field of windmills-wind turbines! Here you can spend the whole day exploring the exhibits. Or even ride in a horse sleigh.

  • Имя файла: ideas-where-to-travel-in-winter-in-ukraine.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 124
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