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Презентация на тему Interrelationship among different Kinds of Art. Different Kinds Of Art Painting

ContentIntroductionMarine landscapeLandscapeStill lifePortraitsGala portraitsConclusion
Interrelationship among different Kinds of Art. Different Kinds Of Art Painting. ContentIntroductionMarine landscapeLandscapeStill lifePortraitsGala portraitsConclusion Picture it is not simple the image of something. The picture creates Marine landscapeEasy breeze, giving a cool after hot day. Hardly audible whisper The landscape is the picture representing the nature or any surroundings. An Still lifeFlowers are always desirable and popular among people of different age. Portraits Portraits will bring some special appeal into your house. There are some kinds of portraits. Female’s portrait from a photoThe portrait of the woman is, undoubtedly, more Man’s portrait from a photoOutstanding painters of the past created portraits of Gala portraitHave you ever represented that outside is 18 centuries, you have ConclusionA portrait, as a gift, it, as a rule, is underlining of The sourceshttp:// aboutall.cmblog.camyspace.comeframe.co.ukkmea.org
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Слайд 2 Content
Marine landscape
Still life
Gala portraits

ContentIntroductionMarine landscapeLandscapeStill lifePortraitsGala portraitsConclusion

Слайд 3 Picture it is not simple the image of

Picture it is not simple the image of something. The picture

something. The picture creates an image capable to move

you in the fantastic world or to other epoch, giving pleasant memoirs on events of your life or about the person close to you. For this reason, despite availability of cameras and computer technologies, the picturesque picture written by the artist is rather popular today. Modern artists are always glad to make for you a copy of the picture, which is pleasant to you or to create a picture according to your wishes.

Слайд 4 Marine landscape
Easy breeze, giving a cool after hot

Marine landscapeEasy breeze, giving a cool after hot day. Hardly audible

day. Hardly audible whisper of waves. The sun by

degrees disappearing in boundless open space of waters. The gale, the huge waves, trying to destroy a sailing vessel. The ancient rocks towering about in a serene bay. All this is the sea: boundless, mysterious, attracting. It is not surprising that the marine landscape is always popular among artists.

Слайд 5 The landscape is the picture representing the nature

The landscape is the picture representing the nature or any surroundings.

or any surroundings. An urban landscape takes the special

place in painting as well. If you wish to decorate the house with a copy of a known landscape or to have a picture representing your favorite garden or an alley, you can buy it without problems.


Слайд 6 Still life
Flowers are always desirable and popular among

Still lifeFlowers are always desirable and popular among people of different

people of different age. Someone likes magnificent bouquets of

roses, and someone prefers modest camomilles more. It is not surprising that flowers often appear on cloths of painters. You also can decorate your house with a picture with favorite flowers, having ordered it to some painter.

Слайд 7 Portraits
Portraits will bring some special appeal into

Portraits Portraits will bring some special appeal into your house. There are some kinds of portraits.

your house. There are some kinds of portraits.

Слайд 8 Female’s portrait from a photo
The portrait of the

Female’s portrait from a photoThe portrait of the woman is, undoubtedly,

woman is, undoubtedly, more than simply a picture. Qualitatively

made female portrait always bewitches, radiates a certain magic force. The professional artist is capable to transmit all many-sided nature of female beauty on a canvas, to create an image most transmitting her feminity. Agree, any woman would be happy to receive such gift.

Слайд 9 Man’s portrait from a photo
Outstanding painters of the

Man’s portrait from a photoOutstanding painters of the past created portraits

past created portraits of emperors, great commanders and heroes.

Today the portrait became more accessible and now more often you can see portraits of businessmen and politicians, or just good people.

Слайд 10 Gala portrait
Have you ever represented that outside is

Gala portraitHave you ever represented that outside is 18 centuries, you

18 centuries, you have an attire of the emperor

and you think about the future of the country in the middle of a magnificent hall of an imperial palace? Or perhaps you have just returned from the ball, you have a refined dress, candles brightly light up your cozy room, and you re-read the verses devoted to you by the young poet… It is the twenty-first century outside and there are no carriages on a roadway anymore. But it is possible to realize your imaginations. The picturesque portrait written by the professional artist will transfer you to any epoch. The artist can draw your portrait in a background or clothes of any picture of the past, which you like.

Слайд 12 Conclusion
A portrait, as a gift, it, as a

ConclusionA portrait, as a gift, it, as a rule, is underlining

rule, is underlining of the status, achievements, respect from

other people. Choose any kind of art painting and enjoy your picture for a long time.
Luckily we live in the world of high technologies. It wouldn’t be good not to take advantage of this truly unique opportunity. Modern web technologies give us a way to break the borders and search modern abstract art paintings all over the planet.

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