Japan- a country in which people have they honor tradition. Perhaps nowhere in the world you will not find such an exotic mix of ancient customs , culture and modern trends.
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Japan- a country in which people have they
honor tradition. Perhaps nowhere in the world you will
not find such an exotic mix of ancient customs , culture and modern trends.
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But what about Japanese wedding traditions. Gone are
the days of the samurai, when marriages as a
means of achieving political and economic profit. In those days , a man and his wife asked the consent of the elders of the clans. In post-war period of time a new Japanese constitution legalized equality of man and woman. Later , in the Japanese tradition of marriage entered European customs , marriages are invested only in mutual love.
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In Japan an important role is played special
gifts which are exchanged between couples and their families.
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The groom gives his girlfriend a diamond ring
nine envelopes (these number are considered lucky). In one
of them married couple can find money to compensate the cost of the wedding.
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Japanese wedding dress is different from our Ukrainian.
In the tradition of the Japanese bride her wedding
dress have to consists of two kimono: white dress( symbolizes that she (bride) is clean as her white dress)- for wedding ceremony; and banquet colored kimono.
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This change of dress symbolized that after marriage
she will return to everyday life and will be
ready to start a new life with her husband.
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Usually the material of traditional kimono is
woven and painted by hand with gold and silver,
but now the most brides often change traditional kimono to the European wedding dress.
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Japanese brides made special traditional make up with
special cream , carefully massaged and powder in face
until it becomes like a pearl mask.
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Then actual ceremony begins. The priest conduct special
cleansing rituals and reads a prayer, after which the